Help me fix my Ancient Gear deck


New Member
What's up CoG, I just back in to YGO, I played it back when it just came out, but quit for a couple years and just started back up. With all these new cards it's kind of confuzing which cards can combo better than others so I'm asking you guys for some help in building my deck better. So far this is what I have:

2x Ancient Gear Golem
2x Ancient Gear Beast

3x Heavy Mech Support Platform
3x Ancient Gear Cannon
3x Ancient Gear
3x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
3x Mechanicalchaser

3x Machine Duplication
2x Ancient Gear Drill
2x Ancient Gear Castle
1x Limiter Removal
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Heavy Storm
1x Snatch Steal
1x Pot of Avaraice

3x Roll Out
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrental Tribute
1x Ultimate Offering

Total: 40

Anyone have ideas for improvement? I was thinking of adding a blowback dragon, and getting rid of the Ancient Gear Castles for some monster removal cards.
You could take out few Rollout cards. They can be used only with Heavymech Support Platform, otherwise, it's just dead card (or only usefull for bluff), instead of Ancient Gear Castle, I would throw away one or two Machine duplications.
Dasher said:
You could take out few Rollout cards. They can be used only with Heavymech Support Platform, otherwise, it's just dead card (or only usefull for bluff), instead of Ancient Gear Castle, I would throw away one or two Machine duplications.

Thanks for pointing it out, I noticed it when I was playing my brother and I couldn't use Rollout on anything. I took out a Machine duplication and replaced it with Enemy Controller to help stall for a bit, and replaced Rollout with another Sak. Armor. I also threw a Jinzo in there to help with Trap controll.

Anyone else have advice? I appreciate anything from more experienced players.
You can justify having two roll outs in the deck if you throw in a few Metallizing Parasite. They turn gear monsters into terrible beings of unmatched abilities and jinzos into the brutal thugs they used to be from way back when.
I disagree, trying to justify 2 tribute parasites into the Ancient Gear Deck is extremely haulting. "Roll Out" isn't reliable enough in use with it as you never know how or when it'll get into the graveyard.

Ancient Gear decks need powerful monsters, and how they do that is by having no medium, no splashable monsters, but instead leveling it out by having a high standard, the 3000 ATK woppers and such. That's what the deck's all about.

I don't want to get into it too much, but I do like the deck. For my advice, I advise you to check out a Crowler Deck I've been working with off an article. It has decent Ancient Gear tech and works okay, but figuring out its weaknesses and powering it up properly is quite the task itself.
It's a bit off the main theme you're going for, but check it out for some ideas.
Updated deck list, new stuff in bold.

2x Ancient Gear Golem
2x Ancient Gear Beast
1x Blowback Dragon

3x Heavy Mech Support Platform
3x Ancient Gear Cannon
3x Ancient Gear
3x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
3x Mechanicalchaser

Total: 20

2x Machine Duplication
2x Ancient Gear Castle
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Enemy Controller
1x Limiter Removal
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Heavy Storm
1x Snatch Steal
1x Pot of Avaraice
1x Ancient Gear Drill

Total: 13

3x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Roll Out
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrental Tribute
1x Ultimate Offering

Total: 7

Deck Total: 40

I think that's a bit of an improvement, it should limit the amount of dead draws I get. I'm not sure if I want to use Jinzo or Blowback Dragon but I'll play around with it for a bit.

Now that I'm a little bit happier with the main deck, any tips for a side deck? Right now I just an assortment of cards just sitting in there such as Dust Tornados and Mind Crush.