Help my deck be a tournament winner


CoG iTrader
Here is my gravekeeper's deck. I will appreciate any help to improve it. I have follow many tips that people have gave me in this forum and I find it pretty solid deck, but still needs help.

Total of 40 Cards

Tribute Monsters (x3)

1 Gravekeeper's Chief
1 The End of Anubis
1 Mobious the Frost Monarch

Non Tribute Monsters (x16)

3 Gravekeeper's Assailant
1 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
3 Gravekeeper's Guard
3 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
1 Night Assailant
1 Sangan
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Magic Cards (x12)

3 Necrovalley
1 United We Stand
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Terraforming
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Smashing Ground

Trap Cards (x9)

1 Trap Hole
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Divine Wrath
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Rite of Spirit
1 Dust Tornado

Nice gravekeeper deck you got here :)
Some things i can think of off the bat are to take out End of Anubis, as you have Necrovalley, and its not really necessary. You could either put in another Mobius the Frost Monarch for it or maybe even a Zaborg the Thunder Monarch.

I like the United We Stand that you put in the deck. Works great with the "flood"abilty that Gravekeeper(s) provide. IMO, i'd take out Lightning Vortex for another Smashing Ground or a well placed Fissure, Lightning Vortex isnt really quite worth it, unless you just like it. So if thats the case, then go for it. :)

I'd think that you could lose the Divine Wraith. Its could Sidedeck material, but you dont really need it maindecked. And that Trap Hole is kinda of iffy, personally i'd say that Bottomless Trap Hole is a better choice. You could replace the Divine Wraith with either another Bottomless Trap Hole or another Dust Tornado, as you dont have much s/t removal, other than the basics.

Im also not sure about 3 Necrovalleys. Can be dead draws early, mid, or late game. And that can be very bad sometimes... =/ Perhaps you could drop 1 Necrovalley for an Enemy Controller.

I'm not quite sure on the matter, but I THINK that Kycoo contradicts your Necrovalley, as Necrovalley negates card effects that affect card(s) in the graveyard, so im not really sure if it would work or not. Perhaps someone could fell us in on the answer to that. But if Kycoo's effect is negated, then i'd say to replace it with either a Newdoria or perhaps a Mystic Tomato.

That brings me to antoher point. Not sure if you wanted to or not, but if you added a little "Tomato Control" to the mix, it could work out quite nicely. Perhaps thats good for a sidedeck or another deck, but thats just something for you to think about.

Well i hope this adivce that I leave you helps out, and can perhaps leave some permenent fixes. Any questions, just ask, and I'm sure a member on CoG or myself can help.

I have tried sharm of shabti even though is a good card it often results in a dead draw.

The End of Anubis is to make my opponents deck a bit slower since it negates the searchers and adds some power to the deck. I use it to take out some strong mounsters.

Kycoo is to create a fourth Necrovalley with Anubis.

Believe me 3 Necrovalleys are needed in this deck

Divine Wraths has work well in my deck but as you all said is more for a side deck. I'll tried to get my hands on a Bottomless Trap Hole or sakuretsu

The Trap Hole is because of warrior decks, Don Zaloog and mystic swordman if there is an A. Force with it.

I don't know about the Lightning Vortex is quite useful, even though it sometimes hurts to discard a card form the hand, even more if you can't touch the graveyard, any other suggestions on this?

The Mystic Tomato i don't know what to take out for it. Any comments on that?

Thanks everyone for your wise advice