How do I get a Spell or Trap Card from Out of Play?

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New Member
If I had someone use Soul Release on me, and removed Key Spell cards that I wanted for the duel (eg: Monster Reborn) is there a card out there that would bring it back, to my hand or field?
I have seen there are cards that bring back Monsters, But not Spells/Traps.

Please tell me there is one.

Currently, you have 2 choices that will do that.

1) Elemental Hero Electrum. When he is successfully Fusion Summoned, all cards that are removed from play are shuffled back into their owner's decks.

2) Primal Seed. Select 2 cards removed from play (any 2, doesn't matter type of if they're face up or face down) and add them to your hand. You must have at least 2 cards removed from play to use this.

Now for the catches:

1) Electrum is a Fusion of 4 Monsters. Yes you could use Miracle Fusion to make it easier but the cards are just shuffled into your deck and you'd have to try and draw it again.

2) The only way you can use Primal Seed's effect is to hit it off the effect of Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude (if playing Advanced Format) since it requires an Envoy on the field to normally activate it.

Basically, you're not quite out of luck, but your options are severely limited.
are you sure i thought it was for all cards, well better check the card and find out i am wrong
We're sure. Miracle Dig is just for monsters as in Burial from the Different Dimension. For Spells, Traps, and face down RFP cards, your options currently are just the 2 I mentioned. (Even if you include the OCG cards available, you get to add 1 more to the list so it's not like they have many more options either).
It's pretty much almost impossible to put s/t that's RFP back to grave. He's right. Miracle Dig is monsters only.
But if one of the key cards he was looking for was Monster Reborn that means he is playing Traditional. If playing with CED or BLSEOTB he could possibly use primal seed. Still unlikely.
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