I'm starting this thread to hopefully inspire some conversations about decks and how they are best played. I know for a fact that some decks that you see played in major tournaments can be tricky and require a bit of explanation as to how they play out. There are obviously choices in every deck but they all have a typical game plan. My goal in this thread is to help anyone identify the "game plan" of any deck they might be having trouble with. There have been decks that I've seen played that made me say, "I want to build and play with that." Then I start playing with it and lose horribly because I didn't make the right choices.
Well, that's what I'm offering to help anyone with. I can play pretty proficiently just about any deck out there. I can help you play out a scenario that you may have come across so as to know how to play it out better in the future.
Well, that's what I'm offering to help anyone with. I can play pretty proficiently just about any deck out there. I can help you play out a scenario that you may have come across so as to know how to play it out better in the future.