How to play certain decks or what to do in scenarios

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New Member
I'm starting this thread to hopefully inspire some conversations about decks and how they are best played. I know for a fact that some decks that you see played in major tournaments can be tricky and require a bit of explanation as to how they play out. There are obviously choices in every deck but they all have a typical game plan. My goal in this thread is to help anyone identify the "game plan" of any deck they might be having trouble with. There have been decks that I've seen played that made me say, "I want to build and play with that." Then I start playing with it and lose horribly because I didn't make the right choices.

Well, that's what I'm offering to help anyone with. I can play pretty proficiently just about any deck out there. I can help you play out a scenario that you may have come across so as to know how to play it out better in the future.

I will start first with a great deck and what's it's typical play looks like. The deck is X-Stall

My build looks like this:
4 Puppet Master
4 Cardiac
4 Rogue - Power Absorption
3 Jean Grey (4 drop)
4 Sunfire
4 Mimic
3 Professor X (7 drop)
2 Jean Grey - Phoenix Force
1 Apocalypse
1 Imperiax

4 Straight to the Grave
4 Enemy of My Enemy
3 Secret Origins
4 Pleasant Distraction
4 Press the Attack

4 Avalon Space Station
2 Slaughter Swamp
3 X-Corp
1 Coast City
1 Birthing Chamber

That's the deck. The typical turn is an obvious curve. 2-8, clearing the board on 8 with Phoenix. However there are some options. Against decks like New School that will kill you if they hit turn 9 you definitely want to play Apocalypse instead. You will typically save the Pleasant Distractions for turns that are going to hurt. You actually don't mind taking 1 attack / stun per turn as long as your life total can afford it. You normally want odd initiatives. However depending on what you have you will start doing some safe attacks on 6 or 7 based on the situation. These are also the turns where it's okay to start using Press the Attack, either to tap down their board or do massive beats with Mimic and the Professor.

And that's how you play X-Stall.
I so miss the [vcard] linking we used to have. I hope we get that back one day.

I'm going to feign ignorance here, just to get the ball rolling. Yeah that's the ticket...:biggrin_j So is X-Corp just insurance added to buy you additional time when reaching for turn 9? Or is this just so you can just fuel the KOd pile for Slaughter and Avalon? Or both?
Typically it is to buy you time. Especially with a huge target on Puppet Master as he will always be un-reinforcable. So you will take damage and this can help manage that tide. However it will occasionally be necessary to get a Jean Grey into the KO'd pile so as to meet the recruit cost of the 8 drop Jean Grey.
Okay, that makes it clearer in my mind, now. <Realization dawns> <Head springs leak>

And I guess Coast City is just an additional "Puppet Guard". Now my next question would be, where the heck am I gonna get any Secret Origins? Now who do I know that has plenty of rares who wouldn't miss a Secret Origins or two or even notice they were missing? Hmmmmm...... :dj_silly
At one point I had extra Secret Origins. Now I only have my 4 pack. And you'll need super luck finding extra Enemy of My Enemy. Most expensive card in VS right now and probably for some time to come.
Yeah, pretty pricey. Still not as much as they want for Shrink. but then, those SJC champions are koo koo for Coca Puffs
And anyone who wants to trade one or more off, I'd be more than happy to pick them up. They are probably going to be the priciest card in VS for some time to come. They just facilitate too much.
I need one more playset for decks that I'm building so I want some too. =P I'll give you an address to ship off your extras to, Amazing1.
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