How to play quick-play spell cards


New Member
I want to verify if the following moves are legal:

1) If I am the turn player, I can activate quick-play spell card from my hand to start a chain during my Draw Phase, Standby Phase, Main Phase 1 and 2, and Battle Step.

2) If I am the turn player, I can chain my quick-play spell card from my hand to add in a chain link following a spell speed 1 or 2 card.

3) If I am the turn player, I cannot activate my quick-play spell card that I just set this turn.

4) If my opponent is the turn player, I cannot activate my quick-play spell card from my hand.

5) If my opponent is the turn player, I can activate my quick-play spell card if it was set for more than one turn.
when its your turn, its all phases, this also includes end phase.

when you have set it, it can only activate during the opponents turn because it takes the properties of a trap, beyond this point it will activate during any phase including any phase of the opponents turn.

opponent has an activate mirage of nightmare, you can play MST during the Draw phase in order to kill it so your opponent wont draw.

you have an active mirage of nightmare and no MST or Emergency provision but yea a book of moon and a magician of faith on the field.

if you had to draw 4 cards then you can play book of moon on the magician of faith then discard the remaining 4 cards.

it leads to other combos and junk when your in a desperate situation.

it happend to me not so long ago. :) it was funny because i ended up discarding a night assailant and grabbed my cyber jar.
you could also activate a quick play spell card (if you can), even if your opponent activates drop off

P1 draws MST
P2 activates Drop Off
P1 can chain MST to Drop Off
Drop Off fails
the reason behind this is because your discarding it from your hand. since the card has reached your hand you can play it.

heck it can be any quickplay and use it.

thats the reason why drop off is great, because weather the opponent likes it or not the card will end up in the graveyard.
well thats true, but then again thats true about almost any card.

now how many people are lucky enough to get it on the first turn?

or better yet, when your opponent sets up first and they play drop off on your turn?

the chances diminish.