I Bet This Card Will be Worth Like 100+ Dollars

For those who don't know, some of the cards are confirmed for the next Championship Pack (i.e. 5th one)

And I have to say this is the best ultra rare Championship pack card since the Magical Stone Excavation. This thing will worth at least 100 bucks since it's the ultra rare of a Championship pack.

Anyway, let's see the card that Kaiba gave to Yugi to beat Marik.


Fiend's Sanctuary

Normal Spell
Special summon 1 [Metal Devil Token] (Fiend Dark/1Star/0/0) to the field. This token cannot attack. Direct Damage done to the [Metal Devil Token]'s controller due to it being in battle is done to the opponent instead. During your Stand-by phase, pay 1000 Life Point or destroy the [Metal Devil Token]


Now, the effect, you can a free token monster on the field. The best part is, NO RESTRICTIONS. This is why this card is so much on the demand list for American. ABSOLUTELY NO COST for a free special summon. Know what that means, a free tribute fodder that's faster then Treeborn Frog. It's pretty much like Spell Striker, but even without the Spell card removal. Another words, it's Monarch heaven card. The "cost" comes at the stand-by. So if you use it up before your next turn, you pay squat. So just play it, and then tribute. In fact, this card is also a good wall. Spell Striker just negates the damage to 0 when it battles a monster with the opponent. This card, it freaking redirects the battle damage to your foe instead. Unless your opponent got a game winning hand, they are NOT going to use a monster removal for a freaking token. So your free from damage unless it's burn or direct attack.And on your stand-by phase, just don't pay the LP payment.

So, is this card JUST a tribute fodder, mostly. But doesn't have to be Monarchs. With this and any combination of Treeborn Frog, D-hero Malicious, Spell Striker, etc. You can tribute summon even DMoC or LaDD with ease. (e.g. Play Fiend's Sanc. remove Fiend's Sanc to special summon Spell Striker, tribute both for DMoC or LaDD)

And also, this token is a DARK monster with 1000 less attack. (Actually 0 attack) Which means, YES, CRUSH CARD VIRUS this thing. (For those who are rich enough) And you can leave this thing in ATK mode all day since the damage goes back to foe.

Not just Crush Card, you can Monster Gate this or other tribute effects like Enemy Controller. It's basically a free tribute fodder with extra good effect of being a 1 turn annoying wall. It's a good replacement for lack of Brain Control and Snatch being banned for spell cards. (Soul Exchange isn't the only other option now)

In the end, I give it a

9 out of 10

This card will make the already popular D-Hero LaDD/Raiza deck even more powerful, being a much better option then Spell Striker for an extra tribute fodder. (or heck, combine both Spell Striker and Fiend's Sanctuary IMO since we don't have Dandylion.)