I would like some help


New Member
I, the master of annoying decks here at the University of the West Indies, need help remaking one of my previous decks to the new banlist. The deck consists mainly of direct attack monsters and Robbin' Goblin cards. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated on how to go about building this deck.
I believe english chef had a few good ideas along those lines. I haven't seen him in a couple of days, but he is a CSC member, and is fond of Innaba White Rabbit and Robbin Goblin. He made a pretty effective deck along those lines and has been refining it for awhile now.
This should go under Deck Check. But who am I to bother?

Inaba and Submarineroid are must-haves. Couple in Raging Flame Sprite, Gravity Bind and Level Limit - Area B and you'd have a good portion of the theme's "staples".
If you can get your hands on the new World Championship 2007 game for the DS, Spell Striker is one of the promos. And he is a Special Summon by removing a Spell card, and a direct attacker. And he has a built in Waboku effect.
Any of those tiny direct attackers are great with Inferno Reckless Summon.

Jinzo #7 + Machine Duplication can be pretty funny too....
"I summon Jinzo...." 'But you don't have any tribute fodder...' "..number 7." '....oh... OH... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA' "Machine Duplication." 'Oh.....kay....' "I'm flipping over Robbin' Goblin'" 'Oh.... shi....'

You may not believe it though, but water is a really good way to go if you're looking for hand disruption and even direct attack both... go for the Level Limit - Area B and Gravity Bind theme, run A Legendary Ocean, then for creatures, Submarineroid, Amphibious Bugroth MK-3, & Ooguchi (I TOTALLY went there) can all attack directly, Submarineroid just even gets a bonus of being 2000 defense with A Legendary Ocean on the field, Robbin' Goblin' brings on the discard pain there, and you also get the bonus of running Spiritual Water Art - Aoi which is just a total counter to pretty much anything they want to destroy your monster with as well, so it's like, bonus day.

Okay, that's enough of my being evil for now.
Jathro said:
No no. Continue. Please ;)

Oh, I'd like to, but sadly, I must get back to work on deck(s) for SJC Columbus this Saturday, and also go see if EB or Wal-Mart has the new World Championship 2007 game in stock yet, since its release date was yesterday.

Okay, okay, one more before I leave... Make sure to pack some Salvage, obviously, and then try out Double Attack, too, great way to be annoying, for sure. (Possible discard tip for your Dasher there too Jathro, *winkwink*)
Thanks for the advice everyone

Thanks to all who replied. The deck was a success in that it won 65% of its duels and annoyed 100%!! Now this month I'm moving on to the either a Skull Servant deck or a...actually, i am trying to build a skull servant deck, here's what i've got so far:
3 Pyramid Turtles
3 King of Skull Servants
3 Skull Servants
1 Tree Borne Frog
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Sangan
3 Soul Absorbing Bone Towers
3 Book of Life
1 Snatch Steal
1 Heavy Storm
1 Scapegoats
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Twister
1 Premature Burial
1 Card Destruction
1 Level Limit Area B
3 Royal Decree
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Dust Tornado
This is what i've got so far, i'm still not done yet, as i haven't been able to focus much on building new decks due to exams.
Your feedback is, as always, greatly appreciated.
So no-one has advice on how i should go about building my Skull Servant deck? Oh well, i guess its trial and error time...
Jathro said:
If you can get your hands on the new World Championship 2007 game for the DS, Spell Striker is one of the promos. And he is a Special Summon by removing a Spell card, and a direct attacker. And he has a built in Waboku effect.
Wow, i want that card...for no reason in particular but it sounds like it can get annoying!