Sakura Sakamoto
Active Member
this is my new monarch deck the idea is to use raiza and zaborg to clear a path for injection fairy lily to attack dircectly while jinzo protects her from traps.
deck size 40
monsters 19
tribute monsters
2 jinzo
3 zaborg the thunder monarch
3 raiza the storm monarch
non tribute
1 treeborn frog
1 d.d. assailant
1 d.d. warrior lady
1 breaker the magical warrior
3 injection fairy lily
3 spell striker
1 sangan
spells 13
1 fissure
1 smashing ground
2 nobleman of crossout
1 pot of averice
1 premature burial
1 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
3 emeny controller
1 book of moon
1 scapegoat
traps 8
2 bottomless trap hole
2 sakeretsu armor
1 torrential tribute
1 mirror force
1 ceasefire
1 call of the haunted
deck size 40
monsters 19
tribute monsters
2 jinzo
3 zaborg the thunder monarch
3 raiza the storm monarch
non tribute
1 treeborn frog
1 d.d. assailant
1 d.d. warrior lady
1 breaker the magical warrior
3 injection fairy lily
3 spell striker
1 sangan
spells 13
1 fissure
1 smashing ground
2 nobleman of crossout
1 pot of averice
1 premature burial
1 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
3 emeny controller
1 book of moon
1 scapegoat
traps 8
2 bottomless trap hole
2 sakeretsu armor
1 torrential tribute
1 mirror force
1 ceasefire
1 call of the haunted