Inferno Tempest Deck


New Member
Was thinking on making a deck with Inferno Tempest.
Card's that I can think of that could be used in it:
D.D. Dynamite
Tyranno Infinity (If the deck is based on Dino)
Graverobber's Retribution
Gren Maju Da Eiza

I may have missed some card's but I hope some one could help me build a deck with them. Mostly I think Dino should work when PoTD and Dino SD come out.

Please give me your ideas and suggestions!
The biggest kicker is getting your damage up to 3000, which is harder nowadays now that BLS-EoTB is banned and nobody is really running BEWD decks. Here are a few tricks that have helped my Tempest Deck:

Rush Recklessly - go ahead and pump that Monarch over the 3K line when they go in directly.

Bark of Dark Ruler + Reverse Trap - Any 1500/1600 monster becomes one that can deal the damage, but to really take advantage of it, you have to be running Fiends....oh shucks....come to the dark side my friend 8^D

Hope this helps!
Rising Energy isn't too shabby as well, but often enough you don't need that much of a boost and the discard can be costly, but it would be worthwhile to have potentially 1 in the deck.
If the deck was a Dino deck, The discard problem could be easy done with:
Black Ptera
When this card is send to Graveyard from the field outside of destroy as result of battle, return
this card into owner's hand.

And maybe use Miracle Jurassic Egg to bring a bigger and better dino to field .
But I will wait for the Dino SD to come out and then see what I can do with it. Some one nows when it's come to USA?
Actually, discarding Black Ptera will not bring it back to your hand, since the apparent card text says "from the field." That is, provided the translation is accurate at this point. We'll see though.