Inferno Tempest


New Member
Need help to get a working deck for this card. Will not use Lava golem.

Was thinking on a fairy/tempest deck maby?

The Agent of Force - Mars on the hand and Soul Absorption on the field . And then activate Inferno Tempest. Maybe it is to hard to pull of but maybe not. If someone has a another idea please post it or help me with what card's that could should go in it.

D.D. Scout Plane?
Soul Absorption is 500 for every monester that are removed from play right? And say that 15 of my monsters and 15 of my oppent's monster is removed from Tempest. That gives me a total of 15.000 more lp. And then have agent Mars on the field or agent Saturn. That should hurt my oppent very much :p What about that idea?

The Agent of Force - Mars
Effect Monster
LIGHT / Fairy / 3 Stars
ATK: 0 DEF: 0
This card is unaffected by any Spell Cards. While "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on your side of the field, and your Life Points are higher than your opponent's Life Points, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by the difference between your and your opponent's Life Points.

The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
Effect Monster
LIGHT / Fairy / 6 Stars
ATK: 2400 DEF: 0
If your Life Points are higher than your opponent's Life Points, activate this card's effect by Tributing this card from your side of the field. Inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the difference between your and your opponent's Life Points. If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is not on your side of the field, this effect is not applied. When you activate this effect, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase this turn.

Sort of a deck list... Please help me with this!
Count: 39

Monsters: 15

The Agent of Judgment - Saturn

D.D. Survivor x3
D.D. Scout Plane x2
Gren Maju de Eiza x2
Magician of Faith
Shining Angel x2
The Agent of Force - Mars x3

Spells: 13
Graceful Charity
Inferno Tempest x2
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Soul Absorption x2
Swords of Revealing Light
The Sanctuary in the Sky x2

Traps: 11
Big Burn
Call of the Haunted
Draining Shield x2
Judgment of Anubis
Miraculous Descent x2
Rising Energy x2
Fiend Comedian x2
At first glance, I'm not seeing exactly how your planning on taking the 3000 direct hit for Inferno Tempest. I understand that you don't want to use Lava Golem, but I see nothing in his stead that would actually cause you to take 3000 points of Battle Damage from a single attack. The deck actually might fair better without it, as I'm uncertain how you would eveer activate it, unless that's what Rising Energy is for.
Digital Jedi said:
At first glance, I'm not seeing exactly how your planning on taking the 3000 direct hit for Inferno Tempest. I understand that you don't want to use Lava Golem, but I see nothing in his stead that would actually cause you to take 3000 points of Battle Damage from a single attack. The deck actually might fair better without it, as I'm uncertain how you would eveer activate it, unless that's what Rising Energy is for.

That's the meaning with it. But this is just an idea so I need help to make it better.
When I used an Inferno Tempest deck, I used Banisher of the light, Charcoal Impachi and Sould Tiger for defense and prep for attack, then Rising Energy and Nutrient Z, with Inferno Tempest. All I had to do is attack a monster with 1600 (or 1500 with Soul Tiger) and during damage calculation, activate Rising Energy. Afterwards, I chain Inferno Tempest and Nutrient Z together to gain 100 LP and remove all the critters. Although, oft times I couldn't get both in my hand at the same time (Dust Tornado helps to get them on the field). I just made sure that before I set it off I had Great Maju Da Eiza in hand!!

Now there are so many more helpful cards that work with Defensive cards, Icould probably adjust it and bring it back into play.