Inspection+Last Turn Quick and Easy Question


New Member
Can you pay the 500 lp cost during your opponents standby 14 times to randomly select a card to gain the same affect as Wall of Revealing Light , lowering your lifepoints to 1000 so you can activate Last Turn?
Moreso, to play the card correctly, it's very tedious and frustrating for your opponent can often lead them to just wanting to show you their whole hand. This also gives you an idea as to whether you should pull the Last Turn trigger or not
Your opponent does have priority to end their standby phase after you've used the card once. So, if your opponent is stupid enough to stay in his/her standby phase for you to activate the card multiple times, then you can do it, but if they're not stupid, then you will only get to use the ability once.
frostmonarch said:
Your opponent does have priority to end their standby phase after you've used the card once. So, if your opponent is stupid enough to stay in his/her standby phase for you to activate the card multiple times, then you can do it, but if they're not stupid, then you will only get to use the ability once.

The standby phase isn't over until BOTH players agree it's over... As long as you don't agree, your opponent can't do anything about it ;)
frostmonarch said:
Your opponent does have priority to end their standby phase after you've used the card once. So, if your opponent is stupid enough to stay in his/her standby phase for you to activate the card multiple times, then you can do it, but if they're not stupid, then you will only get to use the ability once.

Not true. There is no "priority" to end phases. as Chillout said, both players must agree before a phase can end. I wouldn't say you're disagreeing, but just say you still have effects you wish to resolve. Saying you disagree sounds confrontalional, and you're most likely already angering your opponent by using Inspection.

Yes very technically a Phase passes like this:

Turn Player enters a Phase with priority.
Turn PLayer activate an effect or passes
Non-Turn Player chains an effect or passes.
Trun Player chains an effect or passes
Non-Turn Player chains an effect or passes.

And so on and so forth unless both players pass consecutivley.

Now depending on whether a player passes or not can determin if a player wishes to start a new chain. So each player has an opportunity to play an effect, let it resolve, play another and let it resolve and so on. As long as they always give their opponent a chance to chain or pass.