Interesting Question. Sasuke/Swordsman Lv4 vs My Body as a Shield


New Member
I saw this ruling on YugiohRealms (cheap pop) today and thought it an interesting one. I would rule that you would be able to use it against Mystic Swordsman Lv4 to prevent the destruction of your f/d monster. Anyone else have any opinions. I would appreciate any feedback. =)
mortals said:
I saw this ruling on YugiohRealms (cheap pop) today and thought it an interesting one. I would rule that you would be able to use it against Mystic Swordsman Lv4 to prevent the destruction of your f/d monster. Anyone else have any opinions. I would appreciate any feedback. =)

I don't think it would work, because Sasuke Samurai/Mystic Swordsman LV4's effect activates during the Damage Step before damage calculation, at which point you shouldn't be able to activate My Body as a Shield. :|
looks like the lastest ruling (Advanced Rulings Research Journal) says that Sasuke Samurai's effect takes place in the Damage Step before Damage Calculation takes place. So since "My Body as a Shield" cannot be activated in the Damage Step, and since their effects are the same, then I dont think you can use its effect on Sasuke or Mystic Swordsman.
Sasuke's effect has always been triggered at the start of the damage step. It's not the "latest" ruling.

According to the JERP, Let Us Be Your Shield can't be activated in the damage step.
It should be pretty clear, anyways:

- My Body as a Shield cannot be used in the Damage Step. (Official)
- Sasuke Samurai and Mystic Swordsman [LV2, LV4] apply their destruction effects only when the attack is not negated and the resolution of that attack begins [Damage Step - Flip Target Monster Section]. (If a Magic Cylinder negates their attack, they will not apply their effect.)
- Therefore, My Body as a Shield cannot be used against Sasuke Samurai and Mystic Swordsman [LV2, LV4].
Raijinili said:
Sasuke's effect has always been triggered at the start of the damage step.  It's not the "latest" ruling.

According to the JERP, Let Us Be Your Shield can't be activated in the damage step.
When I say "Latest" I mean the most recent. As you know, there are and will continue to be changes to older rulings as new situations present themselves. I would hope that you could see that when I quote the latest I mean that if you refer to rulings from an earlier time frame, then it is better to know that it is consistent with the newer ones also.

I only said that as Cha stated that Sasuke's effect takes place "before" the Damage Step.