Killer Kitties


New Member
Just thought I'd post a deck that I've recently fallen in love with and see if anyone had any tips.

Monsters [20]:
Rescue Cat [3]
Milus Radiant [3]
Des Wombat [3]
Nimble Momonga [3]
Giant Rat [2]
Gyaku-Gire Panda [2]
Exiled Force
Injection Fairy Lily
Cyber Jar

Spells [15]:
Book of Moon
Swords of Revealing Light
Lightning Vortex
Dark Hole
Snatch Steal
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Giant Trunade [2]
Premature Burial
Last Will [3]

Traps [5]:
Magic Cylinder
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Royal Decree [2]

Side notes: If I can get my hands on them, these are the changes I would make right away

- Cyber Jar
- Reload
+ Morphing Jar
+Pot of Avarice

Well, there you go. I know it's technically "unstable" but I've found it to be charming in its speed at times (3-4 turns before death on avarage). Also, I need some help with the side deck (no clue on how to make a side deck for a OTK deck XP).

P.S. I'm also working on a deck titled the "Mystical Transport Convoy" using Bekoichi, Steamroid, Jetroid, Magical Merchant, and Pot of Avarice. Any other ideas for the theme (aside from stuff that's fairly obvious, like Sangan, Dark Hole, etc.)

Any help with either deck and I'll try to return the favor.
No cards like Ojama Trio to full your opponent's field?
And no Creature Swap..? Mmm...

Have a look at my Beast(-Warrior) themed Deck in my signature (Animals Movement) to have an example of what I mean...
Doesn't mean that you need to copy it, but there are some cards you maybe will consider usefull in your Deck too.

EDIT: ahem, wrong name.... LOL
Not too sure about the Lacooda, Catnipped, or Ojama.
With Lacooda, the only way I'm going to get all three out is with a Rescue Cat and I need those for the OTK.
Catnipped Kitty, while useful, just doesn't seem to fit. I know it's synergystic with Gyaku-Gire Pandas, but the panda isn't my main win condition.
Ojama's are cool, but I feel if I used them, I'd have to tweak the deck more away from its current goal (which I might make another deck around this. Check back later for this idea.).

The Creature Swap could work though. Any ideas on what to switch it for?
3 Hump needs its own play style for it to work. You could not even just plop it, well it you could in the Deck but you still need to figure out a way to protect your first 3 Hump that would have to be on the field before since you would tribute the 2 3 Humps you get from Rescue Cat.
I belive the idea was to summon Rescue, play Last Will, then sac Rescue for 2 3-humps, using Last Will to bring out the third, then tribute them. It would give card advantage and fluidity to the deck. I reccommend it.
Tiso said:
Oh well I did a different route in my Beast Deck. It worked just as well. Using Light of Intervention and The Shallow Grave, I would keep bringing back a 3 Hump and using Rescue Cat or I would be able to protect it for a turn and so on. Never thought about Last Will actually. Hmm.
You never thought of Last Will? Well, let me give you some math homework...

Trunade the field, then play Last Will. Summon Rescue Cat, then tribute using priority. Cat summons Milus Radiant x2, while Last Will summons a second Cat. Then tribute the second Cat for a third Milus and a Des Wombat. Now add all the attack points up. Hmm...

I'm just saying...

Densetus_X took on a very interesting tactic with Killer Kitty OTK. He used Pyramid Turtles and Spirit Reapers. The turtles are rat-able and provide field presence, while the reapers stall until the OTK is ready.

He also used Lady Ninja Yae, Ninjitsu Art of Transformation, and Sasuke Samurai. The Samurai is Yae-able, and the Yae is Tranformable into Cat, or any other Beast type. Hm...
Ya what Jason_C said... but instead of Des Wombat.. bring out Gyaku_Gire Panda.... not only do you have Panda out for major trample, but you have 4 2000+ ATK monsters on the field.... we are looking at at least an 8000 lp pounding..... .. especially if you Dark Holed the field first....
Basically from what I seen of the Deck so far, it is the new OTK that is going around under the radar. You make your opponent has no Spell or Trap Cards on the field and no monsters, or at the very least something that has under 1200 ATK or DEF. Then you just Summon Rescue Cat, activate Last Will, activate Rescue Cat effect, Special Summon 2 Milus Radiant, then get Special Summon your 2nd Rescue Cat from Last Will, then activate effect again, then get Milus Radiant and Gyaku-Gire Panda. I think that is the OTK. Not too sure. Gaia Power would not hurt.
kingpinopie said:
Ya what Jason_C said... but instead of Des Wombat.. bring out Gyaku_Gire Panda.... not only do you have Panda out for major trample, but you have 4 2000+ ATK monsters on the field.... we are looking at at least an 8000 lp pounding..... .. especially if you Dark Holed the field first....
I'm not sure you understood my post. (*poke*) With three Milus Radiants on the field {3 X [300 + (500 X 3)]}, and you add in one Des Wombat [1600 + (500 X 3)] then that gives you all of over 8,000 ATK points, WITHOUT the need for a Gaia Power. You'll notice the same DOES NOT hold true for three Milus and a Panda. Math. It's scary, almost. O_O
hahahahhahaaha..... Math Good..... Bad Panda .... Bad..

Ya bud... u r right.... my bad...

Still , this IS a ruthless deck, and I would have to say It probably fun to see your opponents jaw drop when you pull that off out of nowhere....
kingpinopie said:
hahahahhahaaha..... Math Good..... Bad Panda .... Bad..

Ya bud... u r right.... my bad...

Still , this IS a ruthless deck, and I would have to say It probably fun to see your opponents jaw drop when you pull that off out of nowhere....
Panda =/= bad. Panda = good, although mildly situational.

You play Giant Trunade, they chain Scapegoat. What a mistake, because now your Cat + Will combo busts out 3x Panda and a Milus. Do the math.
Jason_C said:
I'm not sure you understood my post. (*poke*) With three Milus Radiants on the field {3 X [300 + (500 X 3)]}, and you add in one Des Wombat [1600 + (500 X 3)] then that gives you all of over 8,000 ATK points, WITHOUT the need for a Gaia Power. You'll notice the same DOES NOT hold true for three Milus and a Panda. Math. It's scary, almost. O_O

well if u wanna use both in the otk like holy alexander here then Gaia Power would most def work here...
Inuyasha_Riku said:
well if u wanna use both in the otk like holy alexander here then Gaia Power would most def work here...
Indeed it would... HELP. But just remember that, if done properly (and that's quite difficult to do, so don't think I'm blaming Alexander or anything) then the Killer Kitty deck does not NEED Gaia Power. It has two seperate and inherent potential OTKs without the use of Gaia Power. And 58,487 more with Gaia included.

I'm just saying that with a difficult strategy, the fewer cards needed to bust your combo the better. So don't start relying on GP when you may not draw it in time.
Jason_C said:
Indeed it would... HELP. But just remember that, if done properly (and that's quite difficult to do, so don't think I'm blaming Alexander or anything) then the Killer Kitty deck does not NEED Gaia Power. It has two seperate and inherent potential OTKs without the use of Gaia Power. And 58,487 more with Gaia included.

I'm just saying that with a difficult strategy, the fewer cards needed to bust your combo the better. So don't start relying on GP when you may not draw it in time.

ah........yah of bad with the wording...its there to help