Last Turn Confusion


New Member
According to my understanding of "Last Turn", it should be the last thing that happens at the End Phase.

However, IF the monster that I chose was "Rafflesia Seduction" or "Jowls of Dark Demise", wouldn't I have to resolve those effects first before I resolve "Last Turn"???

Also, you cannot choose a monster under temporary control as a target of "Last Turn" through "Enemy Controller" or "Snatch Steal". Or at least thats what I have been told.
mortals said:
According to my understanding of "Last Turn", it should be the last thing that happens at the End Phase.

However, IF the monster that I chose was "Rafflesia Seduction" or "Jowls of Dark Demise", wouldn't I have to resolve those effects first before I resolve "Last Turn"???

Also, you cannot choose a monster under temporary control as a target of "Last Turn" through "Enemy Controller" or "Snatch Steal". Or at least thats what I have been told.

There will be an entire "Last Turn" article coming *really* soon ... just wait for the ARRJ *plug plug*

As a short aside though... "Last Turn" is considered to have "resolved" once the player activating "Last Turn" has chosen his/her monster and all other cards are sent to the graveyard. That's it. Everything after that is "optional" (though the "state" still exists as well... the player with a monster on his/her side of the field wins).

Now you could also choose a monster under control of "Snatch Steal" but when "Last Turn" resolves, you'll lost control of it (when "Snatch Steal" is sent to the graveyard). As for "Enemy Controller", you'd have a little better luck since you can have "Last Turn" resolve (the part about determining who wins) before "Enemy Controller" resolves.

Feel free to IM me if you have any other questions about it (densetsu_x on YIM, densetsu5x on AIM).

- Andrew

- Andrew
I don't see the need to AIM you or PM you as I am doing this as a discussion.

Anyway, it has been ruled that a monster that is under temporary control, through something like "Snatch Steal", is not a legal target for the activation of "Last Turn"
I have found nothing on the old or new judge's board regarding Last Turn and Snatch Steal together. Snatch Steal *MAY* be an exception because you will not be in control of the monster at resolution, but that concept conflicts with the idea of selecting a monster targeted by Call of the Haunted for the effect of Last Turn, which last I checked was still legal.

For those other effects with temporary control (Enemy Controller, Jowls of Dark Demise, etc.) you most certainly CAN choose the monster you took control of. Most likely you will win as well if you can keep your opponent's field clear of monsters as you can choose to have Last Turn's effect end first.

There is similar precedent for this with Necrofear as well.
Snatch Steal: This issue here is similar to what was mentioned on the "Snatch Steal vs. Giant Trunade" thread. If I have my opponent's monster through "Snatch Steal" and that is the one I choose to defend me, when "Last Turn" resolves and all other cards are sent to the graveyard, control of that monster would return to my opponent since "Snatch Steal" is no longer on the field.

Call of the Haunted: Because of the wording on the card, if I chose a monster that was brought back to the field by "Call of the Haunted", that monster would be destroyed by the effect of "Call of the Haunted" simply leaving the field so I would essentially lose.

Premature Burial: The situation here is different. Again, the effect here is similar to if "Giant Trunade" was used. The monster is not destroyed if "Premature Burial" is sent from the field (and not destroyed). So if I choose a monster brought back to the field by "Premature Burial", that monster will stay on the field after "Premature Burial" is sent to the graveyard by "Last Turn".

Dark Necrofear: 4 different cases here.
1) Dark Necrofear is a monster on my side of the field. I can pick her as the one to defend me and if she's destroyed in battle or by something else, she will be coming back and stealing my opponent's monster giving me a win or tie at the very least.
2) Dark Necrofear is a monster on my opponent's side of the field. Since "Last Turn" does not destroy the cards, just send them to the graveyard, she isn't coming back at the end of turn.
3) Dark Necrofear is an equip card on my side of the field attached to my opponent's monster: Same as if it were "Snatch Steal" attached to my opponent's monster. She will not return to the field either.
4) Dark Necrofear is an equip card on my opponent's side of the field attached to my monster: Both "Dark Necrofear" and my monster would be sent to the graveyard. She will not return to the field either.

Mortals: I saw you on when I posted initially so that's why I said to IM me didn't realize you left right after that... I am on the east coast so when you returned, I was already asleep.

- Andrew