Legendary Jujitsu Master/ Thousand Eyes Restrict



What happens if my opponents D.D. Warrior Lady attacks my face-down Jujitsu Master? Can D.D. Warrior Lady Remove it from play or not, because i think this is how it goes:

1: D.D. Warrior Lady Chooses to remove after battle.
2: Jujitsu's effect.

2: Jujitsu's effect resolves first.
1: DD Warrior Lady's effect doesn't resolve because DD Warrior Lady is aready on top of the deck.

Is it right? If not tell me how it should go

My question about Thousand Eyes Restrict is that how can chaining book of moon or ring on the TER stop its effect from resolving? Just need some clearification on it

Note the timing on Legendary Jujitsu Master. Its effect won't resolve until the very end of the Damage Step. The end result will be that both monsters are removed from play.

For Thousand-Eyes Restrict, it is attempting to equip itself. Face-down (or destroyed) monsters can't be equipped, so its effect resolves without effect.
"Select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and equip it to this card (this effect can only be used once per turn and you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card)."

That wording seems to indicate that a monster of any position is legal to equip. Last I remember Thousand-Eyes Restrict/Relinquished can be equipped with a facedown monster. You cannot equip destroyed monsters though. When the monster is face-down, the ATK/DEF of TER/Rel will become 0/0.

Of course if you were to flip TER face-down, you would not be able to equip it. The effect would then dissappear.
Lets look at Ring being chained to TER's effect.

1) TER uses its effect to suck-up a monster.
2) Ring in activated, destroying TER

2) Ring destroys TER and does 0 damage to players.
1) TER sucks-up the opponent's monster.

At the end of the damage step, TER goes to the grave and the attched monster also goes to the owners grave.

That's the way I see it working.
Ring does 0 damage, but the target of TER remains intact for the effect of TER cannot completely resolve by equipping itself with a monster, since it is in the graveyard.
Think about Premature Burial and a monster it designates in the graveyard.

Player A: activates PB and designates Spell Canceller
Player B: activates MST and designates PB
Nothing is played in response
Resolve steps (reverse)
Step 2: MST destroys PB
Step 1: PB cannot completly resolve since it is destroyed and can't be equipped to the selected monster in order to Special Summon it from the graveyard.
I disagree with Strike Ninja. A monster effect does not work like a continuous spell card. You as the turn player can activate TER's effect before the non-turn player can activate a respose chain. It is true that Ring will destroy TER before its effect goes through, but TER's effect does not get negated by Ring and TER does not go to the grave until after the chain completely resolves. Here is an example: You summon Black Luster Soldier - EotB. You then use its effect to remove a monster. Your opponent Rings your Soldier in response. BLS gets detroyed but its effect of removing a monster still happens. Everyone knows this and its no different than our above example of TER and Ring.
There is a big difference between Thousand-Eyes Restrict and Black Luster Soldier's respective effects. Black Luster Soldier does not require its presence on the field for its effect to resolve successfully. Once Black Luster Soldier puts its effect on the chain, it doesn't matter what happens to Black Luster Soldier.

Thousand-Eyes Restrict is different, however. Part of its effect involves equipping itself with the targeted monster. An Equip Spell Card can only be equipped to a face-up monster which Ring of Destruction takes care of.

A monster destroyed in a chain does NOT remain on the field until the chain resolves. If a monster (or Spell/Trap Card) is destroyed, it is immediately removed from the field and placed in the Graveyard (or Removed from Play area if appropriate). You may be confused about Spell and Trap cards remaining on the field until the entire chain resolves. In the example of Ring of Destruction chaining to Thousand-Eyes Restricts effect, the following happens:

Thousand-Eyes Restrict targets opponent's monster (Chain Link 1)
Ring of Destruction targets Thousand-Eyes Restrict (Chain Link 2)
Both players add nothing further to the chain. Chain resolves
Chain Link 2: Ring of Destruction destroys Thousand-Eyes Restrict and both players take damage equal to the ATK of Thousand-Eyes Restrict (0). Thousand-Eyes Restrict is sent to the Graveyard at this point, but Ring of Destruction remains on the field.
Chain Link 1: A monster may not be equipped to a monster that is not on the field. The effect of Thousand-Eyes Restrict disappears.
Ring of Destruction goes to the Graveyard.

While it is true that monster effects are not like Continuous Spell Cards, your analogy is flawed in regards to Thousand-Eyes Restrict.
Thank you very much for clearing that up for us Dlanaan. You bring out a lot of great knowledge here. I did not know that Spells and Traps stay on the field until resolution while monsters go to the grave imidiately. I learn so much from you guys and its all very much appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would say that after you summon Thousand-Eyes, that you should pass priority to your opponent, who can activate Ring and then you can chain with TER, but i am pretty sure TER's effect is spell speed 1 and cannot be chained to a spell speed 2. That leads me to a good point. Normal effects are spell speed 1. I think that also goes for trigger effects. But what about Multi-Trigger effects (effects that happen on your opponents's turn), are they spell speed 2 or 3?
Multi-Trigger effects are Spell Speed 2. Examples of these would be Strike Ninja, Dark Paladin's effect, etc.

And you are correct. If you pass priority after Thousand-Eyes Restrict is summoned and your opponent activates Ring of Destruction, you will not be able to activate the effect of TER because its effect is Speed 1.
From the yugioh.card.com

When your "D. D. Warrior Lady" attacks "Wall of Illusion", if you activate her effect then "D. D. Warrior Lady" is Step 1 of the chain and "Wall of Illusion" is Step 2, "Wall of Illusion" resolves first and returns "D. D. Warrior Lady" to your hand, and then "D. D. Warrior Lady" resolves and "Wall of Illusion" (only) is removed from play...

So, why is diferent in the case of "Legendary Jujitsu Master" and DD.WL??..

And in the same yugioh-card.com

If "Legendary Jujitsu Master" is destroyed, removed from play, or flipped face-down by the effect of the monster he battles with, "Legendary Jujitsu Master"'s effect is still applied and the monster is returned to the top of the Deck.

So.. LJM effect aplies or not?
Gravekeeper said:
From the yugioh.card.com

When your "D. D. Warrior Lady" attacks "Wall of Illusion", if you activate her effect then "D. D. Warrior Lady" is Step 1 of the chain and "Wall of Illusion" is Step 2, "Wall of Illusion" resolves first and returns "D. D. Warrior Lady" to your hand, and then "D. D. Warrior Lady" resolves and "Wall of Illusion" (only) is removed from play...

So, why is diferent in the case of "Legendary Jujitsu Master" and DD.WL??..

And in the same yugioh-card.com

If "Legendary Jujitsu Master" is destroyed, removed from play, or flipped face-down by the effect of the monster he battles with, "Legendary Jujitsu Master"'s effect is still applied and the monster is returned to the top of the Deck.

So.. LJM effect aplies or not?
In the first case, the difference is when the effects resolve. Wall of Illusion and DDWL both resolve at the same time so SEGOC kicks in and creates a chain where WI resolves before DDWL.

LJM's effect does not happen until the END of the damage step (at which point both cards are already removed from play. Cards removed from play are not affected by cards that do not specifically state they affect cards removed from play.

The second ruling is just stating that once LJM's effect is activated he does not have to remain on the field for it to work. The targeted monster DOES still have to be on the field. There is nothing in LJM's effect that says it can pull a monster from the GY or from out of play so it only works on monsters that are on the field.

Spot's Knight