leps Macro Monarch (main)


New Member
leps Macro Monarch

Matt A.K.A. Lepercan420

2 [Caius the Shadow Monarch]
2 [Kuraz the Light Monarch]
2 [Mobius the Frost Monarch]
3 [Cyber Valley]
2 [D.D. Scout Plane]
3 [D.D. Survivor]
2 [Helios - The Primordial Sun]
1 [Morphing Jar]

1 [Allure of Darkness]
3 [D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation]
3 [Dimensional Fissure]
2 [Enemy Controller]
2 [Hand Destruction]
2 [Magical Mallet]
2 [Reinforcement of the Army]
1 [Swords of Revealing Light]

1 [Dimensional Prison]
1 [Escape from the Dark Dimension]
3 [Macro Cosmos]
1 [Mirror Force]
1 [Phoenix Wing Wind Blast]
1 [Return from the Different Dimension]
1 [Torrential Tribute]
1 [Ultimate Offering]

Side Deck
1 [Brain Control]
2 [D.D. Assailant]
2 [D.D. Dynamite]
2 [Dark World Dealings]
1 [Granmarg the Rock Monarch]
1 [Light of Redemption]
1 [Monster Reborn]
1 [Nobleman of Crossout]
1 [Raiza the Storm Monarch]
1 [Soul Release]
1 [Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch]
1 [Zaborg the Thunder Monarch]
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how about some banishers instead of dimensional fissures...
that will help you feed the rfg pile of you and your opp. for helios....

and 1 more kuraz to abuse is draw power
- 1 mobius

ideas just off the top of my head
how about some banishers instead of dimensional fissures...
that will help you feed the rfg pile of you and your opp. for helios....

and 1 more kuraz to abuse is draw power
- 1 mobius

ideas just off the top of my head
i dont run banishers because they are too easy to kill, once they are gone all i have left are the macros... and they take one of my summons and slows the deck down.

i could run another kuraz...

but i like 2 mobius...
hey i also run macro monarch so i know a little.

A great combo if u run kuraz is appropriate. great draw power for u and abuses his affect.

U rrl need some d.d. assailent

-2 helios alwful 1st turn draw or top deck
+2 d.d. assailents
+caius shadow monarch
+brain cntrl..staple in any monarch deck

u also could use some more protection im guessing.

take out the magical mallets for smashing ground or such.

also hand destruction??...whats the combo there
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