Level 2 Judge Test

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New Member
I do believe that there are some Level 2 .VS judges here. The judge test is given out on almost all the 10Ks, and as far as I have heard, it is a written test that invites all public to attend. I know it would be very bold of me to go try out and I believe that those who have taken the judge test can give me a couple of questions that was asked during the test to give me a couple of examples for me. Thank you very much.
luffy said:
I do believe that there are some Level 2 .VS judges here. The judge test is given out on almost all the 10Ks, and as far as I have heard, it is a written test that invites all public to attend. I know it would be very bold of me to go try out and I believe that those who have taken the judge test can give me a couple of questions that was asked during the test to give me a couple of examples for me. Thank you very much.

If it's good the aren't allowed to give you questions of the test or answers.
In order to qualify for the Level 2 Judge test, you need to have experience judging regularly, preferably at some sort of premier event. That anyone can take it is a misnomer. You can be refused the test.

You also must know the Comp rules inside and out, especially issues of priority and chaining, which tend to be the sticking points for most people when trying to determine what happens in a particular scenario.
To follow up what Jeremy said, the at any time the UDE rep. testing can refuse you the test. Luckily enough I was able to take the test up at PCNY from James Lee who was giving the tests out. I didn't pass it, but a 70 on it is I guess respectable when you consider how green I still am to judging VS, if I had read over the Comp. Rules one more time before taking the test and hadn't had chosen to take it at a time that only gave me less then an hour to take it (I had joined the 10K that day and the 10K was about to start as I was finishing up the test, taking away any time I would have used to go back and re-read as I normally would do).

I'll have the chance to take it again this weekend hopefully as I'm judging the 10K in Charlotte. I'll update you guys on how I do when I get back. But basically I'd say hold off on testing unless you are more then sure you could pass it, it doesn't hurt to take it to see, but if you walk up to the guy and say "Yeah, I want to test for L2." and they ask you "Ok, why would you want to?" and you just say "Because I want to see if I can pass it." They'll probably turn you down.

But yeah, read over the Comprehensive Rules, don't be dyslexic like I am and misread a question. I got one question wrong because I misread it leaving out an entire sentence from the question, that hurt me a little, but yeah, I know it won't happen again. I just gotta read more careful next time.
I'm pretty new to VS, and there is a chance that the Level 2 test will be issued at Origins.

If I read through the entire Comprehensive Rules Page, will there still be an extensive amount of mechanics/rulings on the test that are not covered in the Comp. Rules?
Fiendish Envoy said:
If I read through the entire Comprehensive Rules Page, will there still be an extensive amount of mechanics/rulings on the test that are not covered in the Comp. Rules?
A fun way to test yourself is to go through a set's FAQ list: read the card, and see if you can "make the right ruling" for the card before reading the entry in the FAQ.
Some rulings you will know inside and out because where you play, you may see a specific scenario all the time. If you read through the FAQ, you may be exposed to situations that you don't normally see. If at all anything, it will help your rulings "experience".
I guess the test is really tough and the entry is 'restricted'. I do pass my level 1 test weeks after playing this game. However, I do not see the level 1 judge test difficult. I guess the REAL test comes in level 2. On the problem with priority, I am VERY afraid that I will mixed that up with Yu-Gi-Oh!'s
Level 1 Rulings Knowledge in VS means 'you read the rulebook'

<- you don't actually UNDERSTAND everything... you read it... *lol*

Level 2 Rulings Knowledge means 'you KNOW the rules!'

<- and NOT the rulebook...
the comprehensive rules are very complex, but at least you really know how the game works if you understood them.

Make sure you read them some times and understand them..

Then you can make the test! ;)

soul :cool:
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