lightsworn for iowa regionals 2008


New Member
r/f's will be returned, i need help with the suggestions for a side deck, and i also need help with trying to make the deck win more often
it wins prolly, 8 out of 10 duels, i want it to win 10 out of 10 duels


Level 5 and higher:6
3x Judgment Dragon
3x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Level 4 and under:16
3x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
3x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Honest(i only have 2, so dont tell me to add a 3rd)
2x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

3x Solar Recharge
2x Foolish Burial
2x Monster Reincarnation
1x ROTA(Reinforcement of the Army)
1x Brain Control(i think it can really go out of the deck)
1x MST(Mystical Space Typhoon)
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial

3x Threatening Roar
3x Beckoning Light

Any r/f, as long as they are useful, will be returned, i dont own solemns, i do own 3 ryko, 2 monk, and 2 dark bribe
so please help me with a sideboard, and help me with making it win more often
Eight out of ten is probably the optimized stats for this deck. I don't know of deck in this format that's 100%. What decks are most often causing the 2 out of ten losses?

By the way, the site is not stuck up, you just chose to ignore the trading rules.
it isn't certin types of decks, its, dead draws, the duels i lose this is my first hand,

Judgment Dragon, Wulf, Judgment Dragon, Wulf, Celesta, and i draw into a Threating roar, if i'm lucky i draw into a Solar Recharge
If you have problems with dead draws you may want to drop 1-2x Celesta. Then, you could add 1-2x Guardian of Order or Cyber Dragon. Guardian could be another dead draw, so maybe Cyber Dragon would be far more better.
no i was not at the last regionals in Council Bluffs, i didn't have the gas to go, but does anybody have any suggestions, i really need this to be ready to win by next saturday
I had another idea. If you are running Foolish Burial, you could try adding Limit Reverse. That way you can revive Lumina, when she's in grave, or use Burial to get her in grave and revive her. I'm also a bit suprised you ran only two Luminas, I would definitely suggest running three.

As to what take out: Ehren for Lumina and one Beckoning Light and that ROTA for Limit Reverse.
I was asking because of those guys who run the regionals around here (pastimes) screwd my partner and I outta going to the nationals over a 'United We Stand' ruling.
oh, how did they pull that off?, me and my partner(who sucked) won by having higher lifepoints at the end of 3 turns, at the Des Moines Regionals about 6 months ago(maybe longer)
oh, how did they pull that off?, me and my partner(who sucked) won by having higher lifepoints at the end of 3 turns, at the Des Moines Regionals about 6 months ago(maybe longer)

our opponants took control of one of our monster equiped with united we stand. It was the only monster on the field and they clamed that they still got the +800 atk. I asked every judge there and they all agreed that they got the +800!:mad:
sadly for you guys, it would still gain attack, because it is a face up monster, anyway, do you plan to attend the regionals on the 12th of this month
so does anybody else have a deck suggestion, cause as much as i enjoy chitchat(free bumps) i would like for this deck to be ready by next saturday
well, looking at what you got it should go smooth unless you come across a remove from play deck. I can only recomend side deck additions for that occasion.
hi i give up paiently waiting for someone to help me :( i need this deck ready in 4 days! :(

any thoughts would help please. trying to create a lightsworn control so far play tested the 30 card deck semi sucessfully(semi because the 2 people i play tested it with either just started or is geting back into the game) but i need more cards to put in and im out of ideas.

im also toying with the idea of a OTK using lightsworn + king of skull servant (maybe with megamorph + solemns)

please review and include any tips :) i have the deck listed under advanced :) <3