Little question

I kid you not. At the last regional I attended I saw a kid a deck that, unsleeved, stood as high or higher then a standard size coffee mug. I am not exagerating. It stood that high or higher. I don't want to even know how long it took to make out his Deck List.
Digital Jedi said:
I kid you not. At the last regional I attended I saw a kid a deck that, unsleeved, stood as high or higher then a standard size coffee mug. I am not exagerating. It stood that high or higher. I don't want to even know how long it took to make out his Deck List.

Try having a kid, he was about 9 yrs old I think, come to your tournament carrying his deck in gallon size ziplock bag--- the bag was half full. When stacked, it was 5inchs tall. I tried to explain to him that the deck too big, but he refused to take any cards out. He stated that "they were his best cards." It was fun day considering he spilt it twice..........
That's nothing.

I used to be friends with somebody. He was a nice guy. He was cool, and we got along great. But . . . he was an idiot.

This guy's deck was literally more than 3 feet tall. I wish I even HAD that many cards. He had to cut it up into little piles to play with it. Which, I think, is not even legal. Oh well...
skey23 said:
Ok, sorry to spam, but I CAN'T resist this one!....****POKE POKE!****
I'd like to meet that person! :shudder_j

So basically, you're saying you're not my friend?

That's a shame.

Because when I bust a double-point move and generate more than 20 million extra CoG points, the million I was gonna send to you is gonna hafta go to my Valentine instead. A pity.
skey23 said:
Nope, no maximum, just the minimum of 40 cards.
Sure there is a Maximum!!!

Just add up ALL the current "Legal" cards in the English TCG, put in 3 of each card, less cards that are

1. Resticted to 1
2. Limited to 2
3. Banned (depending on Format)

Then, take that total number and that is your current "maximium" up to Elemental Energy, Spellcaster's Judgment, and Jaden/Chazz Duelist Packs (including all released Duelist League Promo's).

Should be something like, 6000+ cards (if someone really cares to add it up....), not including Fusions.
I'd just like to get through that guy's Body Guards to see his collection!!! Can you imagine actually meeting the individual who really owns all the cards available in Yugioh (who is not The Creator of the game, that is...).

Talk about Deck List. He'd probably just come with a Deck Studio Printout, x3!!! lol