Looking Ahead 21 - The Tricky

An interesting card with some interesting support. Let's start with this unique addition to the game.

The Tricky
Discard one card from your hand to Special Summon this Monster to the field.

Where From: Limited Edition 6
Likely TCG Appearance: Shonen Jump Magazine (As some promo deal)

The Tricky allows you to Special Summon it for the same cost as if you would Normal Summon it (1 extra card, though from your hand instead of the field). Special Summoning is always a good thing and as such this card could be used in turn for a Tribute Summon afterwards. Being a Wind and Spellcaster monster, it gives those types some extra support. The card may be a little dated today, but as you'll see later, it does have something over a number of other cards out there.

3 out of 5. Simple straight-forward effect that's fairly useful all around (hence the very small review). I know, it seems to be the poor substitute to another card with a very similar effect, better stats, and no cost (yes, Cyber Dragon). However, as stated before, it fills a niche for both Spellcasters and Wind Types to provide a solid, relatively easy to summon attacker.
densetsu_x said:
I know, it seems to be the poor substitute to another card with a very similar effect, better stats, and no cost (yes, Cyber Dragon).
This is certainly not the case. While The Tricky does have 100 less ATK (and people don't much care about the DEF), you have to remember that Cyber Dragon is situational. It does require you to have no monsters, and your opponent to have at least 1. As long as you can discard for it, you can use The Tricky whenever you like.

Also, it's a WIND monster. How many of those do we see being played? This card is fantastic in a WIND Deck, mainly because you'll be throwing Rising Air Current in there, making The Tricky an instant 2500 ATK monster. Nothing to be sniffed at. And because very few WIND monsters see play (aside from Raiza), Rising Air Current will only help you and not your opponent.

I like The Tricky. I also like Tricky's Magic 4, which you said you'll be reviewing soon.
Also, I am trying a Mantacore deck. Being wind, this would work well even though it's a spellcaster. Dump Mantacore, get it back during the end turn.

I also had a Wind Beatdown that worked well. Spear Dragons and Riasing Air Current made great fun! EVEN before Riza!
He SHOULD have come out alot sooner. He lost all popularity once Cyber Dragon hit the YGo world. I don't expect him to be played that much.
Ah, reminds me of Spirit Caller. Cyber, Tricky, Monarch. Even with Cyber, The Tricky will still see play, as you can summon him when your winning