The possibilities are varied and endless. The most common Burn Decks run Solar Flare Dragon, Gravity Bind and Level Limit - Area B as a standard. Since most of your Burn Cards are 3-Star Monsters, stall is a large part of the deck, though some people manage to work in a bit of attack in if they can. I advise building the deck with a three part balance, Defense, Destruction, Burn. And make sure to spread that out amongst your three types cards, Monster, Spell, Trap. Cards that cover more then one of those functions are always a preference. Solar Fare Dragon for instance has the added ability of becoming a lock with one or more on the field aside from the fact you'd be doing a 1000 points of damage. Defence and Burn. Nightmare Wheel will stop the attack of one monster and prevent some those pesky battle position change monsters, but does an additional 500 points of damage each of your turns. Defence and Burn. Depending on the how often people use Spell Card destruction in your meta, then Judgement of Anubis has a two part use, Defense and Destruction. Both the Defence and Destruction aspects of your deck would easily be grouped together as stall. I separate them because you don't ant to overlook the fact that stall comes in two forms and that you need to be balanced between them Sometimes your just going to need to stop ad attack. Sometimes you need to get rid of an attack altogether. In my opinion, the best burn deck should be able to stall to the point of aggravating your opponent into quitting. Waboku, Threatening Roar and Sakuretsu Armor are essential in a deck like this.
I would also be cautious about trying to work in the advise of players who, although well meaning, may be convinced that only one type of deck is competitive and as such, have never given burn the serious consideration that a true burn player has. They often try too hard to make the deck just another beat down, with some burn thrown in, when in reality, the less attacking you do in a Burn Deck, the more likely that half of your opponent's cards are going to useless to him. CC, beatdown players may only play burn casually, and never worked all the angles of a true burn deck. Look for the hard core burn players and see what their insights are. Burn players, conversly, might be stuck on a certain kind of burn deck, but bear in mind that burn can have many variations. The possibilities have not yet been fully explored.