DNA Surgery
Select 1 Type of monster. As long as this card remains on the field, all face-up Monster Cards will be treated as the Type you selected.
Limiter Removal
Double the ATK of all face-up Machine-Type
monsters that are on your side of the field when
you activate this card. During the End Phase,
destroy all Monster Cards that were affected by this
Injection Fairy Lily
This card's effect can be activated only during the Damage Step of either player's turn. Pay 2000 Life Points to increase the ATK of this monster by 3000 points only during the Damage Step.
if lily is a machine i can make her attack 6800 with one
Limiter Removal ?
also i can save her with Book Of Moon from being destroyed.
or 6000 directly with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.
i mean, because i can play limiter removal in damage step,
when i can activate lily's effect i can choose the order, right?