Man of Steel- Straight supes competitive deck



I usually have no trouble with the creative juices developing concepts in VS. For some reason as yet not understood I have looked into the MoS set and drawn a creative blank. Undaunted, I decided to try my hand at an idea a teammate was spouting about a while back. Basically, Supes has a tutor in "Man of Tomorrow" and quite a few decent characters if supported correctly.  In this deck I was looking for something fun and competitive. First the deck, then a short analysis.

Man of Steel
4x Professor Emil Hamilton-Garrulous Genius
4x Superman- Blue
4x Superman- Clark Kent
4x Superman- Kal-El
2x Superman- Man of Steel
4x Superman- Red
4x Superman Robots- Army
2x Superman- False Son

4x Man of Tomorrow
4x Path of Destruction
4x Cover Fire
4x Savage Beatdown
3x Overload
3x Have a Blast

4x Cadmus Labs
3x Kandor
3x Fortress of Solitude

Basically the idea is to try to make your drops consistantly, Supes red and Cadmus labs are critical to protect, Robots helps with that. Pumps are opponent friendly for the Overloads. Fortress and Kandor are synergistic.

I have not tested this yet. I do have it built in MTGPlay if you want to hook up for a game, you can hunt me up on AIM as Feral Blackfist.
I know you have a Superman theme going here, but you need some backup drops.

The Professor is good. However, I also would play Gangbuster...decent 2 drop, and hes an also army killer.

For 3...stick with the 4 Red's, but throw in 2 Linda Danvers <> Supergirl. If you end up with her in your hand on turn 3 and you really need Red, Man of Tomorrow for him.

Clark Kent is good, but again, throw in two Connor Kent's for resource manipulation and backup.

The Superman, Blue's are a little weird...they're nice, but sometimes useless. Instead, go for Kir-El. She's an automatic 9/9 (her own cosmic counter) and can get much bigger, especially since you want odd initative.

You need 3 Kal-El's turn 6, you will either have one or a MOT.

2 False son's are good....and only 1 man of steel is needed.

You will only need 2 Kandor' will usually draw one of them by turn 6.

So how about:

Man of Steel
3x Professor Emil Hamilton-Garrulous Genius
4x Gangbuster, Jose Delgado
2x Superman- Blue
3x Kir El <> Supergirl, Daughter of Tomorrow
4x Superman- Clark Kent
2x Connor Kent, Superboy
3x Superman- Kal-El
1x Superman- Man of Steel
4x Superman- Red
2x Linda Danvers <> Supergirl, Matrix
2x Superman- False Son

for a total of 30 characters...

4x Man of Tomorrow
4x Path of Destruction
4x Cover Fire
4x Savage Beatdown
3x Overload
3x Have a Blast

for a total of 22 Plot Twists...

3x Cadmus Labs
2x Kandor
3x Fortress of Solitude

for a total of 8 locations....

BOOM! 60 cards. 30 Characters and 30 Plot Twists/Locations.
I see your inspiration, and having played this deck there are actually a couple of your suggestions I have since made. You were right on the mark about Kandor and dropping to 1 Man of Steel.

What I have found playing the deck{lost 1c in 5 games so far}is that the purity of a straight supes build allows some true leeway in powering up. This is actually huge. In essence here you have a deck with the same guy throughout the whole curve representing different power levels. Combat situations are changed fundamentally. When the essential crossovers happen you have tremendous options, all due to straight supes.
What i really want to see in this deck is Lost city.
You will need to test mirror. If you want to make it competitive. You will find Path of Destruction will be usesless. (just +2)

I find Lois Lane to be very important. She also helps to speed up the draws in my deck. Plus if you are going the Kandor route, the extra "free" 4 attack helps with your team attacks.