MMPA SOUL Control, Is it workable???

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It was before the Level thread got locked that I got a pm from CR to help mr. or Ms. or Mrs. Jpmoney23. The reason we got this is becuase there will be a regional soon in her or her area and since they work they cant always play test. So what does this mean for me or anybody that reads this.

PLAY TEST. As much as possible. as far as testing I can get is random shuffling and then drawing till I get a card that makes me shuffle my deck. I havent played Yugi since August, and by that I mean Profesionally not casually. Casually I get people from the Tourney I judge to ask me for a casual challange with their tournament decks, fine with me aslong as we play by my rules.

My rules is that I play OCG. I stoped playing TCG and let my self get lenient with using cards like Pot of Greed and Tribe infecting virus and card that havent been released here. So I decided why not. and usually its a 50/50 for me in the win and loss ratios. The best part is that my opponents never know what to expect. Somebody calls out an odd ball card and for all my opponent knows I'm probably running. I don't go too much with the crowd.

For thouse that don't know I was one of the few that used to used Soul Exchange as a means to summon high ballers to the field. You can ask anybody that went through my "Solitare" decks. I had a slump and then came back up. When I came back up was when I started using Soul Exchange by the numbers. Seriously way before it ever became the fad. So today you will see the evolution of a deck that started CC and eventually became something that will be both fun as competative.

Original Deck sent to us by JPMONEY23 said:

Okay before I talk about whats in the deck ill talk about how it got typed up. I cant help but emphasize that if its going to be condensed let be in numerial order by how many from high to low.

It really helps out. You probably noticed that I added the numbers but didnt put them in order, this is so you can see that this is how I got the deck. Also notice it states Magics not Spells, I use the word Spell since it is what all Spell cards have been errated too in the older sets. One big thing about this is because the word "Magic" cannot be owned by anybody. Its not a legal fued by UDE vs. WOTC. This is a state issue. It is someware along the lines as owning the word "Food" you cant own the word alone. You can combine it with other stuff and so forth. But enough about that lets get to the deck. [Yes this is possibly going to be a very very very long thread.]

Okay, the deck has the basic stuff for a Soul Control deck with a hint of Earth. Notice the way Rat Race and Control are battling at each others neck. Its always a good idea to try 2 stragies in the same deck. But usually the secondary strategy is the support strategy.

the higharchy is:
Tutor* -> Tutor* -> Win Condition

here we have.
Win Condition -> Win Condition

That could be a good thing, but initially itll mess with you. When you need a Soul Exchange you will get a Giant Rat. when you need a Giant Rat you end up with Zaborg the Thunder Monarch.

So it wont be too good. So we have changed up a bit, and make sure that the secondary win condition becomes more of a support condition.

Now we have our Tutor* for all of our defenses and Exiled Force. Smashing Ground will now become Fissure and we can continue with the pumpling of our opponent.

Traps, one thing I cannot emphasize more is, if you know your opponent is running trap negation, run it in smaller numbers. If they are running alot of destruction for Spell or Traps, again run less of it. Itll help you more than them because they will be left with alot of destruction but nothing to destroy. So we are gonna go anti power up on that end for a little bit.

Spells, we dont have many spells, and the ones we do have are initially to get down to the purpose of Soul Control. There wasnt much change but alot of sacrifice to be done and alot of may or may not be a good thing.

Now to reveal the new deck list. itll be an extreme change from the orginal deck.

Deck Garage Deck said:

Im assuming were on the right page and we fully understand what happens when you combine Magical Merchant + Heavy Monster deck + Pot of Avarice in the end we have what the OCG calls a MMPA Turbo deck. What does that mean? well you draw out quickly. So far in that it can make heads explodes. It will replenishing your deck with vital creatures, and let the user draw out what they may need. Of course that is the plan. This is the support strategy, well one of them.

The seconary is the Earth strategy in the deck, notice that we added 2 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress. They arnt there for looks either. The 2200 defense is what actually makes it anti-Cyber Dragon. why becuase we arnt runing alot of traps and we need big giant ugly strong walls. We dont have anything that looks like this:

[Image property of Wizards of The Coast]

So the little machine will have to do the job for the moment. We have a bit of Anti-RFG with D.D. Survivor, and draw power with Morphing Jar, Flood Control with Cyber Jar, and Spell recursion with Magician of Faith. Alot of help will come from that Tsukuyomi eventually.

Now the traps, your probably asking, Woah 3 traps??? well 1 is for mass removal the other for reanimation and the last for anti-mobious/ spell trap destruction. not to mention it works as a good power up for any of your creatures. It is a win / win situation with this card.

The spells, again it stayes practically the same but there was an insane addition to having 3 Pot of Avarice to Tutor* out your cards and finally bringing down the deck to do what is suppose to do.

The side deck did change a little bit, with alot of destruction, and extras if you need more creatures.

All I ask is that you try out the deck and find out for your self how fun and competative it can be. Heck it might even start a new trend in the future ;)

*: The word Tutor comes from cards in the Magic:The Gathering card game. Were its purpose is to actually bring any or set creatures or spells to your hand or to the top of your deck from the deck. its costs usually range from 2 to 4 mana. Example is: said:
Diabolic Tutor
Search your library for a card and put that card into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
The BB means "Black, Black" for thouse that dont know how to read MTG cards. :)
This thing is ubber old bro. lol, I havent touched a yugi card since then or for a while for that matter.

this was originally posted Jan 09,06, way before the new restriction list and probably needs some dramatic changes.
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