Modern Squad


New Member
4 Albert Gaines <> Nuke, Atomic
4 Ape X, Xina
4 Golden Archer, Wyatt McDonald
4 Joystick, Janice Yanizesh
4 Lady Lark, Linda Lewis
4 Shape, Malleable Mutant

Plot Twist
4 Answer The Call
4 Flying Kick
2 Other-Earth
4 Panacea Potion
2 Might Makes Right
4 Insect Swarm

4 AirSkimmer
4 Thunder Jet

Thats only 52 cards need some help filling in the other 8 . Mainly 6-7 characters and 1-2 plot twist
No fear may be another option for you. With squads attacks being so high initially, attacking up the curve shouldn't be a problem. You may want to add a 6 drop and possibly the melissa gold 6/3. Looking at the number of characters makes me wonder if you'll hit the curve consistently. I think squad has a very good chance of dominating in modern!!!
exiledforcefreak said:
-2 might makes right
-2 airskimmer

+2 lady lark (skylark)
+4 Melissa Gold
+4 Windstorm
+2 Rocket Central

I agree that adding rocket central is big. You could also consider adding another other earth to be sure you get one per game. I disagree with windstorm because if ytou hit your curve as youd like to, you never have 2 characters with the same cost. I also disagree with adding lady lark, skylark. Having 6 3 drops with the same name means youll hit a lady lark on three. The problem is her attack and defense are dismal and you cant underdrop on 4 if need be because of the name deal. Because of the loss of some beat, adding a 6 drop doctor spectrum is a good idea. His affect is sick and hes a reservist. Definetly add melissa gold!!!