Morphing Jar #2


The Syndicate...
Ok. at my local place for tourneys, the ruling on MJ#2 came up. We had some arguments and the only way the TO wants an offical ruling is from Netrep, so i said i would post the question. lol. here it is.

Player A flips his Morphing Jar #2
Player B has a total of 3 monsters.

Player B is wondering if he picks up 3 cards and thats it for Morphing Jar #2, and then summons the monsters within those 3 cards and its done and discards the others.

While Player A states that he must have 3 monsters total in his hand. That was the arguement basically.
-.- they dont believe anything i say, so its up 2 u guys.

If he had three monsters when Morphing Jar #2 resolved, they would be shuffled into the deck. He would then reveal cards until he reached 3 monsters. Any level 4 or lower are Special Summoned face-down. All other cards are sent to the Graveyard.