Mystic swordman effect


New Member
Mystic swordman lv2 attack my magician of faith in face-down position and soon after starts its effect and summon lv4. The question: can i use the effect of magician of faith ??
All the mystic swordmen are obliged to use their effect when attack face down monsters ??

thx :D
First, Mystic Swordsman LV2 destroyed Magician of Faith by its effect, not battle. The effect is not optional. So Magician of Faith does not flip face-up during the Damage Step and you do not get to use Magician of Faiths effect to retrieve a Spell Card from the Graveyard.
Blueagle said:
So, he can summon mystic swordman lv4 after an effect not a battle ?? I said he summons lv4 after...

since "mystic swordsman LV2" didnt killed "magician of faith" in batlle, you may not tribute "Mystic swordsman LV2" to special sumon the LV4 creature


"level up!" would work

Yep this is correct.

think of MS like Sasuke Samurai when it comes to facedowns.

But If by Anychance you happen to battle something smaller than 900 atk or defense and the monster is in attack or defense for you to kill it, then you will be able to use the effect to summon the other in its place. :)

but since most of the time MSlv. 2 is used like a sasuke samurai, you usually dont see LV. 4 unless it comes SPecialled summoned.