Need help updating Deck


New Member
Like I said I need help updating my deck. I was hoping that I could possibly change this into a tournment deck.

Here it goes.


3 Mad dog of darkness
2 Luster Dragons
2 Archfiend Soldiers
1 Gemini Elf
1 Insect Knight
1 Summoned Skull

Effect Monsters

1 Penguin Soldier
1 Kuriboh
1 Mask of Darkness
1 Princess of Tsurugi
1 Tsukuyomi
1 Magician o Faith
1 Sagan
1 Goblin Attack Force
1 Exile Force
1 Vampire Lord


1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
1 Lighting Vortex
1 Graceful Charity
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Brain Control
1 Axe of Despair
1 Heavy Storm


1 Force Back
1 Drop Off
1 Seven tools of the bandit
1 Magic Cylinder
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Trap Hole
1 Dust Tornado
1 Sakurestu Armor

I was hoping that I could change this into a beatdown tournment deck. Please Help.
You've got quite a few high attack normal monsters in your deck. You might want to take advantage of that by rearranging your deck to focus somewhat on that by upping your normal monster count and including copies of Heart Of The Underdog and Ultimate Offering.

I've made all the normal monsters Dark monsters to use Mystic Plazma Zone. Notice that all these normal monsters when combined with Mystic Plazma Zone would be elidgable to use with Deck Devastation Virus of which there is one copy in the main deck and another one in the side deck.

With the side deck this can easily convert to a Skill Drain or Skill Drain / DDV deck while not compremising the deck's focus.

My build certainly isn't the end all with this type theme but it might get you closer to a beatdown with greater speed and tech still involved.

Normal Mosters: 14

3 Mad Dog of Darkness
3 Vorse Raider
3 Archfiend Soldiers
2 Mechanical Chaser
3 Summoned Skull

Effect Monsters: 5

1 Mask of Darkness
2 Magician Of Faith
1 Sagan
1 Exile Force

Spell: 13

1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
2 Smashing Ground
1 Graceful Charity
2 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Heavy Storm
2 Heart Of The Underdog
2 Mystic Plasma Zone

Trap: 8

1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Dust Tornado
2 Ultimate Offering
1 Deck Devastation Virus

Side Deck: 15

2 Big Bang Shot
2 Non-Spellcasting Arena
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Skill Drain
1 Falling Down
1 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Giant Trunade
2 Waboku
2 Newdoria
Don't run normal monsters.(period)

And a simple Royal Decree would end you.

Not that other cards wouldn't be able to do the job.

Your trap count is too high, and you have normal monsters in your deck.

I'm certain since you're back, that you'll quickly remember the tone that we expect here in COG. I'm certain you'll be mindful of your words and make sure they're used in a positive and constructive rather than simply negative way.....won't you? <expecting look>
John Danker said:
I'm certain since you're back, that you'll quickly remember the tone that we expect here in COG. I'm certain you'll be mindful of your words and make sure they're used in a positive and constructive rather than simply negative way.....won't you? <expecting look>

But if I was polite, I would be like everyone else. :(

I'll try...