The Kozaky show
Hello... this is what I quickly made. Can you r/f please?
Thanks in advance,
Greetings BenjaminMS
Tribute monsters (4x)
Needle Burrower (3x)
Cybernetic Magician (1x)
Non-tribute monsters (15x)
Absorbing Kid from the Sky (3x)
KA-2 Des Scissors (3x)
Shadowslayer (2x)
Magician of Faith (1x)
Tsukuyomi (1x)
Sasuke Samurai (1x)
Stone Statue of the Aztecs (2x)
Spirit Reaper (2x)
Spells (19x)
Swords of Revealing Light (1x)
Swords of Concealing Light (3x)
Double Snare (3x)
Book of Moon (1x)
Nobleman of Crossout (1x)
Rush Recklessly (3x)
Mystical Space Typhoon (1x)
Giant Trunade (3x)
Dark Hole (1x)
Axe of Despair (2x)
Traps (7x)
Judgment of Anubis (2x)
Dust Tornado (3x)
Ultimate Offering (2x)
Thanks in advance,
Greetings BenjaminMS
Tribute monsters (4x)
Needle Burrower (3x)
Cybernetic Magician (1x)
Non-tribute monsters (15x)
Absorbing Kid from the Sky (3x)
KA-2 Des Scissors (3x)
Shadowslayer (2x)
Magician of Faith (1x)
Tsukuyomi (1x)
Sasuke Samurai (1x)
Stone Statue of the Aztecs (2x)
Spirit Reaper (2x)
Spells (19x)
Swords of Revealing Light (1x)
Swords of Concealing Light (3x)
Double Snare (3x)
Book of Moon (1x)
Nobleman of Crossout (1x)
Rush Recklessly (3x)
Mystical Space Typhoon (1x)
Giant Trunade (3x)
Dark Hole (1x)
Axe of Despair (2x)
Traps (7x)
Judgment of Anubis (2x)
Dust Tornado (3x)
Ultimate Offering (2x)