needs fixing


Count: 40

Monsters: 18
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Marie the Fallen One
Millennium Shield

Aqua Madoor
Goddess with the Third Eye
Island Turtle
Man-Eater Bug
Mask of Darkness
Morphing Jar
Mystical Sheep #1
Spear Cretin
Vorse Raider

Spells: 16
Black Illusion Ritual
Ekibyo Drakmord
Heavy Storm
Horn of the Unicorn
Mask of Brutality
Mask of the Accursed
Messenger of Peace
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Soul Exchange
Swords of Revealing Light
United We Stand

Traps: 6
Call of the Haunted
Crush Card Virus
Magic Cylinder
Mirror Force
Solemn Wishes

Fusion Deck: 1
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Is there a particular reason you went Goddess with the Third Eye/Mystical Sheep #1 and not King of the Swamps, which is a substitute OR can be used to get Polemerization out?

Also Charcoal Impachi, Battle Footballer and Charcoal Soul Tiger might be better Normal Defense Monsters than Aqua Madoor and Island Turtle, as they can survive Cyber Dragon.

Also, Forgive my ignorance, but what is the strategy of this deck? With several Normal Monsters I would almost expect JustiBreak, Soul Resurrection or Ancient Rules, but then you have the Blue Eyes plus Poly, but no Dragon's Mirror, nor King Dragun. It looks like a nice Beat Down, but I fear you will get stuck with Blue Eyes sitting in your hand, unable to be played, or worse a hand full of Spell cards and oly light Monsters to protect your LP.
is this a yvd deck or something of that nature?? because if it is, this deck is a serious waste =/ not to bash it. the only reason i say this is because of crush card virus either a) typed it instead of DDV b) are rich c) its a computer deck

this deck seems a little too defensive. why the masks and stuff. You set your deck to a theme. cards like ekibyo drakmord may seem tempting but its extremely slow and the monster will most likely just be tributed. Smashings/fissures would be much better. If you get your deck to have a central theme id help out more
It is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos JOEY deck, but if I get it good enough would like to at least cost it for RL. Yea I've eBay'ed CCV :nod_no $1200+ and yes I am more a deffensive player...