Negated effects


CoG iTrader
I searched and searched, knowing the answer had to be here. But, alas, I couldn't find it.

If a card effect is negated by cards like Dark Ruler Ha Des or Wicked-Breaking Flamberge-Baou, when can it get its effect ability back?

The various examples that I have seen indicate that if the card is removed from play, and brought back into play, it gets it effect capability back. I have also seen some questionable advice that the second time it is sent to the graveyard after it has lost its effect, it will then get is effect ability back?

Any guidlines along these lines would be helpful?

It gets its effect back after it's been removed from the Graveyard.

[info2]If an Effect Monster, destroyed by a Fiend-Type monster while "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is on the field, is returned from the Graveyard to the hand or Special Summoned from the Graveyard, its effect will be active again. Its effect may be negated again if destroyed by "Dark Ruler Ha Des" or another Fiend-Type monster.[/info2]
The negation only occurs for as long as the destroyed monster stays in the Graveyard without anything happening to it. If something does happen to it (i.e. it is moved from the Graveyard to somewhere else, including removed from play, Summoned, returned to the hand or Deck), then the negation disappears.

Note that the negation only applies to destroyed monsters in the Graveyard. Destroyed monsters that are sent elsewhere, even if it's "instead of the Graveyard" (e.g. because of Banisher of the Light), do not have their effects negated at all. This comes from the following ruling:

• If "D.D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Lesser Fiend", "D.D. Scout Plane"'s effect activates and it is Special Summoned even if "Dark Ruler Ha Des" was also in play when it was destroyed.