Negates one Waboku then the guy activates another. Legal? Yes/No? Why?


New Member
I had this situation:

a) Player A activates his f/d Waboku in response to an attack from his opponent, Player B.

b) Player B activates Solemn Judgement and negates it.

c) Player A wants to activate his second Waboku he has f/d to stop the same attack

I ruled that he couldn't do that but didn't give a good reason did I rule that correctly and if so, how would/should have I explained it?

Sorry, but, some months ago, Mr. Kevin surprised most of us saying that it is possible to have more than one chain when responding to an attack.

The restriction is that there are some cards that can only be activated in the first chain, the chain that responds to the declaration of the attack. Cards like Mirror Force or Magic Cylinder can be activated in this chain, but not in the next, because the timing of activation is missed. In the next chains, if you have a Sakuretsu Armor, it is not possible to use it, because the next chains don't respond to the attack declaration, just change things before a possible resolution.

If the card doesn't state that you can only activate it when an attack is declared (the first chain) then, those cards can be activated in every chain that responds to the attack. Waboku doesn't have to be activated exclusively when your opponent declares an attack, neither Ring of Destruction or Gravity Bind or Call of the Haunted.

Then, your steps a and b conform the first chain to respond to the attack (In this case, the declaration). We have to keep in mind that Solemn Judgment wouldn't allow the second Waboku to activate in the same chain, because Solemn Judgment is Spell Speed 3 and Waboku Spell Speed 2. Solemn Judgment would negate and destroy Waboku. Then, there is no Waboku to resolve; this chain ends.

Once the chain is resolved, a new chain can be made, against the same attack, not including its declaration. Step c becomes legal.
i believe that your opponent cant activate another w/b, i believe you can only respond to one action with one chain, no more. if he uses w/b, and use use solum, he cant chain to solum with w/b becuse it is spell speed 3
Maester bacman was correct. mutli chaining has been made legal. this means you can make more then 1 chain to 1 event such as attack <however the first chain as the resolve before you can start the second, the spellspeed rules have not been over writen.>
magic-snake said:
Maester bacman was correct. mutli chaining has been made legal. this means you can make more then 1 chain to 1 event such as attack <however the first chain as the resolve before you can start the second, the spellspeed rules have not been over writen.>

I think the ruling is that you can have more than one chain in the Battle Step, isn't it? The second chain is not in response to the attack, but is just another chain being started before the battle step is over, correct?
The rule is you can have multiple chains in response to an attack before the damage step and multiple chains within the damage step itself example

I declare an attack.
My opponent responds to the attack with waboku. i chain 7 tools of the bandit
The chain resolves.

Then in a new chain before the damage step my opponent activates another waboku.

Another example.

I attack with my monster. in the damage step i activate rush recklessly. my opponent chain magic jammer
the chain resolves.

In a new chain before proceding to damage calculations i activate another rush recklessly

Thats thenew chain rules

Now of coarse as mentioned there are still limitations on activating certain cards. for example cards like mirror force or magic cylinder can only be activated in the very first chain in response to the attack. This is becuase thier activation timing require it.
Hinky said:
The rule is you can have multiple chains in response to an attack before the damage step and multiple chains within the damage step itself example

Another example.

I attack with my monster. in the damage step i activate rush recklessly. my opponent chain magic jammer
the chain resolves.

In a new chain before proceding to damage calculations i activate another rush recklessly.

About the damage step...I thought that in the damage step you counld activate only S/T's that modify damage, not anything like Magic Jammer or the like. But I guess it must be okay if it's activated in a chain against some like Rush Recklessly? Could someone clear that up for me?

And where do I find the new chaining rules, specifically? Thanks!
The new chaining rules were sent to the Judges list. There hasn't been an "official" posting anywhere that I've seen so far.

As far as the damage step, these are the effects that can be activated:

1) Effects that directly modify a monster's ATK or DEF. This would include things like "Rush Recklessly" and "Mirror Wall"
1a) Effects that say "this can only be activated during the damage step" (although usually, this will go hand in hand with step 1 since those effects are usually ATK/DEF related). "Injection Fairy Lily" would have such an effect.
2) Counter Traps. If it's a Spell Speed 3, it can be activated here. "Magic Jammer", "Seven Tools of the Bandit", "Barrel Behind the Door" are some counter traps.
3) Multi-trigger effects that can negate the activation of a Spell/Trap. "Dark Paladin", "Sorcerer of Dark Magic", "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" are cards with that ability.
4) Null and Void. This trap card can be activated during the Damage Step.

- Andrew
Hinky said:
The rule is you can have multiple chains in response to an attack before the damage step and multiple chains within the damage step itself

Only the first chain is in response to an attack. The rest are either in response to something else, or responding to nothing at all.