New person


New Member
hi every 1 im new, and i hope i can talk 2 all of u & make some friands along the way. by the way names dan.
Hiya dan. Welcome to the party that is city of gamers. Hope ya enjoy yourself here. Now get on out there and have some fun.
Greetings komdo kid! Make yourself at home here! And now for a couple "obligatory" questions...

What's your favorite card?
What deck are you currently running?

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the forums!
ha there thanks for the advice. my Fave card Demise
and i think u know the deck i run mink mink. mhat about u?
Ahh, good 'ol Demise. Finally getting some respect 8^D

Me, I'm currently honing up my Giant Kozaky deck again, always trying to tweak it to its best. Though I might have to take another aside to work with my Simochi deck again thanks to a nice TAEV card coming out.

Favorite card of all time is still Wall of Illusion, though unfortunately it's lost a bit of its edge now that they have 2000 and 1900 4 star normal attackers out there. The psychological mayhem the Wall poses is priceless. Kozaky is pretty much an alter ego of mine thanks to the stuff I do. 8^D
thanks he is the the man of of the hour right now. but he is being out shined by d and t heros and that dam trooper. o monurch are not that much anymore.
Meh, I think in general the OTK comes and goes once folks prep for it. However, Demise himself can do great even as a steady presence type deck. That is how mine is focused, just nuke two or three times for the win, no need to do it all at once. I get a bit more consistency that way, plus I have Necrofear ususally hit hte field too 8^D