New Search Options & Navbar

Digital Jedi

Staff member
You may have noticed the new navigation bar. I hope you like it, because it took me nearly 24 hours to get it installed. Sooooo, that means you're going to like it, or else... :mad:

A couple of new options are present in this bar. Obviously, you can see the organization is a little more concise. You should be able to get to any part of the forum in a click or two. Let me know if I missed something. Also, "Activities" has been replaced by "Games" to better reflect the gaming spirit of our community.

In addition, two new search options are available in the "Search" drop down. "Your Posts" and "Your Treads". At a click, you'll be able to access all your posts and threads in this forum. Later on I'll be migrating the same style drop downs to our "Thread Tools" and showthread menus. When I do, I'll include in the "Search this Thread" drop down, the option to search for your posts within a thread.

In addition to all that, the Wibiya bar is back, cleaned up a little since I went App Happy with the last one. This one is a bit leaner with just some Facebook and Twitter integration to help encourage sharing, and by extention, registration. It would have been the same shade of grey as the forum, but I just couldn't justify paying $10 a month just to keep it my shade of Inner City Blue. Maybe down the road. As you can see, as much I loved video chat, we'll be getting a more elegant chat client pretty soon, so the video chat app will only make appearances for special occasions, TBA. (I'm noticing it still hasn't updated my last settings as of this post, so hopefully it will be set by the time any of you read this.) Look for special announcements as the arise coming from your friendly neighborhood Wibya bar.