normal monster beatdown deck

bewd fan

total cards - 41

Monsters - 18
2 - Blue-Eyes White Dragon
3 - Frostosaurus
3 - Gene-Warped Warwolf
3 - Luster Dragon
3 - Gladiator Beast Andal
2 - Insect Knight
2 - Archfiend Soldier

Spells - 11
2 - Ancient Rules
3 - Heart of the Underdog
1 - Reasoning
1 - Monster Gate
3 - Symbols of Duty
1 - Monster Reborn

Traps - 12
3 - Cry Havoc
3 - Birth Right
1 - Utlimate offering
2 - Justi-Break
2 - Common Charity

any sugestions would be helpfull inluding any ideas for a side deck
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With that many normal with heart of the underdog, no reason why not run 3x Commoner's Charity.

I would say run more Dark Factory.

Also, normal monsters with high DEF can also help, not just high ATK. all those 1900/2000 monsters can't go through Cyber Dragons and Monarchs. Need some walls too.

And probably Lightning Vortex to solve the big monster prob. (Yes, I see justi-break)

Also, Swing of Memories is also very good. It doesn't stay on the field, but a huge BEWD 3000 direct attack can win games.
i'll cosdider those ideas and i made 1 change for the new list ands corrected a mistake

i fixed the amount of birth right's in the deck and

-1 Dark Factory of Mass Production
+1 Monster Reborn

so it's ready for the march forbidden list
i'd suggest taking out 4 of the 1900 4 stars to replace with 1 more bewd and 2 summoned skulls as well as a treeborn frog

you could then replace 1 of the justi-breaks with a final attack orders

probably swap one of the heart of underdog for a foolish burial as well - to get out frog, or for those times when u have monster reborn/premature/birth right

swap 1 non spell casting area for a 3rd ancient rules =)
Very nice norm-beatdown mate... Just a couple of things to have in mind.

When picking normal monsters from a big variety for lvl4 attackers, raw stats is what to look. So when attack power is the same don't forget to look at defenses as well. The best pick for your attackers are the warwolfs with a great 2000ATK, you have 3 here so good. Next is the 1900ATKers with the biggest def as well is Luster Dragon with 1600DEF (not bad). After this lizard second with 1500DEF come archfiend soldiers, insect knight and Gladiator Beast Andal. So why not go for the most you can have? I'd suggest maxing Lusters and replacing the other 1900ATK monsters with variations of the other 3 mentioned.

Then it's skill drain's downside, this can actually help your opponent in case of orcs or GAFs, or even worst if your playing against a skill drain deck. So an alternative, at least in side-deck, would be a good idea here. Some ideas for your side deck would be Common Charity (more draw poer), Symbols of Duty('cause the opponent's monsters can be sometimes so sweet), Summoner's Art (this comboed with Ancient Rules can be devastating) and Cry Havoc!(swarm power without life cost)

Hope this helps

--~ A.
it's been along time since i used this deck so i rebuilt it and updated my origonal post so tell me what you think about it and if you can think of anything that can improve it.