number of cards in side deck?

Dark Star

New Member
Version 7 of the rule book says the side deck can contain 0 to 15 cards. Version 6 said it had to be either one of the other. I think I read somewhere that Upper Deck had issued a ruling that in fact it still had to be one or the other, but now that Konami has taken over, their official site, and version 7 book, is still saying anywhere between 0 and 15 cards. (see: )

Can someone clarify? We're trying to start a group, need to get some irregularities straightened out, and I don't want to disseminate bad info.
Since the policy that over-ruled the Book was an Upper Deck Policy, and they are no longer able to enforce that, it would default back to 0-15. However, please note that Konami does not yet have ANY official policies pertaining to non-Japanese players; and as it stands in Europe at 0 or 15, it might behove you to continue to follow UD policies until Konami has some of their own. UD's player management is still one of the best I've ever seen. And there is little doubt that for many other issues regarding player management (until Konami gets up to speed) you will default to what we learned from UD. So for consistancy I would personally stick to the 0 or 15. Besides, what problem is there to just add a bunch of nonsense cards as filler to get to 15. Moreover, the reason UD kept it 0 or 15 was to make it that much easier to find cheaters. Why make it more difficult for yourself? Until something replaces what we know, go with what you know. USArmy--in the absense of orders (instructions), continue following the last orders (instructions) given.
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In Japan it is now 0-15 (rediculous in my mind). But UD never adopted it. It came about around the same time the Syncros were being introduced (if memory serves). There was a big confusion as well because the advert for the following event showed the 0-15, but the Tournament Documents reamined the same.
Well, that's the whole problem in a nutshell -- we're out here in the back of the beyond where there have been no organized tournaments and we're trying to get something official up and running (in these "interesting times" -- remembering that is a curse...) and so there is nothing we know... Which is why I'm here asking ignorant, dysfunctional questions of those of you with experience. We're clueless, but trying to get started on the right foot, and follow some sort of official rules because we hope to get whoever eventually runs this thing to recognize us.

Which brings me to the next dumb question -- until now the minimum deck was 40 but there was no max. The new 5D book lists a 60 card max. Was this being enforced? Is it likely to continue to be?

Yes, I know you are all going to tell me that staying near 40 cards is ideal -- but, trust me, our entire group is running more than that, most of them considerably more. This 60 card minimum has caused almost the entire group to collectively say "Oh, BLEEP!!!!!" We are talking about numerous people having to take out 12 or more cards to get down to the 60 card minimum, from decks that are extremely competitive in our local environment -- like I said, we're the back of the beyond and the local game is far more alive in the high school cafeterias than in any hobby shop in the area. (One shop is actively discontinuing all their merchandise -- bad cess to them... Part of this whole "organize an official league" is actually a subversive plot to keep enough support going that there will be some other places available to buy stuff besides Walmart and Ebay.)
These are certainly NOT "ignorant, dysfunctioanl questions" at all. They are perfectly sound and we welcome them. Many have gotten mixed up over these recent changes. However, here it is in a nutshell. Until Konami gets its act together, you should run your tournaments with a 0 or 15 card Side Deck a 40-60 card Main Deck and a 0-15 card Extra Deck.

I'm sorry about local support dwindling. Sometimes, though you can get stores to hold tournaments. Hey, I ran one for a couple of weeks out of a McDonald's. Gave them good business while we were all dueling! TCGers can pack away the munchies!!
Once Konami takes over, the only likely change may be the 0 or 15; However, I believe Japan is the only country doing the 0-15, right now. Any of you blokes across the pond wihs to confirm or deny UDI's stance on that?
Max deck limit is in rule book version 7, which is the one with the 5D's logo on the front and I'm guessing it came out sometime last fall or winter. It is not in version 6, which is the latest I have in hard copy, and I think is the one that was being distributed as of last spring or summer with decks.

Version 7 is available for downloading as a pdf file from Konami, and it was also at Upper Deck before they took everything down. (I downloaded it from Upper Deck around 4:30 U.S. Mountain Standard Time on Feb 26; later that night you couldn't get to it.)

We're running games in one of the meeting rooms at the local public library -- free space, tables, chairs, a snack machine, a coffee shop (coffee shops in libraries -- good grief!), and they don't mind if we bring in our lunch. One of the local Pokemon leagues has been meeting there for years....

We have a dedicated group of 8 to 12 that show up consistently and we are slowly but surely picking up new people -- there seems to be someone new show up every week or so.

I think everyone is glad to have somewhere to play so that they don't have to play the same old friends that they've been playing for years. And one guy is teaching his girlfriend.