Yes, this is not a case of two continuous effects/a continuous + a lingering effect both trying to apply at the same time. Here, they don't. It's just that when one applies itself, the other will then be able to apply itself.
The difference between conditions and lingering effects is simply a matter of where the card is that generated it. A continuous effect must have its card active in order to be around, whereas a lingering effect is a cardless continuous effect. That's all.
From the ruling I quoted in my last post, we see that the same continuous effect will not apply itself more than once for the same damage/gain (if it did there would be an instant infinite loop). Given this, and the fact that Prime and Simochi do NOT apply themselves to the same event (one applies to gains, the other applies to damage), we see that they will both apply to a damage/gain event in an order depending on what the event was (Gain: Simochi then Prime - Damage: Prime then Simochi). I'm sure you can see that the net result is zero, i.e. gain -> damage -> gain again, and damage -> gain -> damage again.
No net result, because both effects apply.
Link plz, specifically to where you're talking about.