Question on Invulnerability


Quick question on invulnerability, if a charachter has it, the control does not take stun damage, but is the charachter still stunned? I believe they are but it came up at an event last night where one of the players was running cards that had invulnerability and also cosmic counters.
If a character has invulnerability they will still stun but no stun damage is taken. They will also lose a cosmic counter if they have one.
Correct. Invulnerabilty only prevents a stunned character from taking the Stun Endurance Loss it would normaly take from a stun. But it doesn't prevent a character from stunning. Also, Invulnerability is not always tied to a Cosmic efffect. Some effects grant a character Invulnerability regardless if the character has Cosmic or not.
also, if a cosmic counter GIVES invunerability the reason the character's controller does not take damage is because effects that trigger off a stun look to the state of play right before the stun, at which point the character had invunerability.

Example: soldiers of new genesis