quick one: checking CotH

Dr Sin

New Member
If I have, let's say, a Cyber Dragon special summoned with Call and my opponent destroys it in battle with Jinzo, does Call remains meaninglessly on the field or goes to graveyard?

If I special summon my Jinzo with Call and it's destroyed latter, does Call remain or goes to grave?

I'm almost sure I am ruling these two correctly, but want to check...

Thanks in advance
If Jinzo were not present, Call of the Haunted would be destroyed, as Cyber Dragon was destroyed (in battle). However, Jinzo is present, so Call of the Haunted is negated, so it won't destroy itself if its target monster is destroyed. It remains on the field meaninglessly.

If Call of the Haunted revives Jinzo, and Jinzo is destroyed, Call of the Haunted would remain on the field meaninglessly, as Jinzo's continuous effect stops after it is destroyed, and by then it is too late for Call of the Haunted to destroy itself (now that it's no longer being negated). But don't quote me on this; I'm guessing here. Wait for others to confirm/deny it.