
Digital Jedi

Staff member
Alright gang, I've been working on this for the last month and I'd like to get your feedback on it before I release it to the public:

Since this is for public distribution, I did not optimize it for our add-ons, like the Arcade, Downloads, vBay etc. Some of the hooks are displaying links that I generally don't use, like the vBTripleTriad link. Just ignore stuff like that. What I want to see is if I missed anything in the vB standard areas like the posts, threads, forum home, albums, Social Groups etc, etc.

You can change back to centura using the Quick Style Chooser at the bottom of any page. Thanks.
ok, this is suckin'. ever since I viewed the link you gave in this thread every post i try to view comes up in the my| and all the posts by UDEBot are not showing up. they are there as new posts, but there is nothing in them.:?:
ok, found my way back by reading the bottom of your post. (LOL it pays to read the instructions) but yeah, the udebot post are not showing in the red page.
What's this for again? A skin for CoG, or a skin that anyone with vBulletin can use?

It's rather confusing.
ok, found my way back by reading the bottom of your post. (LOL it pays to read the instructions) but yeah, the udebot post are not showing in the red page.
Heheh, yeah, the UDE, Art District, Deck Master and Abridged Series sections use custom templates. That's one of the non-standard vB things that should be working with the new skin.

What's this for again? A skin for CoG, or a skin that anyone with vBulletin can use?

It's rather confusing.

Well, as I said, this is a skin for public distribution. So, yes, it will be for anyone using vBulletin. I just wanted some feedback on my work before I release it on
Since you guys read these areas often, and since I really need some active feedback as to how this is looking, I went ahead and added in the custom templates. They won't look pretty, but they'll be functional.
I'm looking at this thread in this skin, and I must say I'm not liking the big white box for the message. I found myself confusing them for quote boxes. Also, should the quote boxes (you've made a couple above) have those huge icon open and close quotes before the message being quoted?

Also, if you use the quote tags without saying "quote=someone" (i.e. just "quote" in square brackets), it doesn't appear in a quote box. It's just indented. Here's an example:

Hello, this is a quote.

I have to be honest, I'm not keen on it. But it's something you're making for the big community, and it's your design. You just want to check it works properly, right?
Yeah, the big quote icons were intentional. (I tried doing the before and after and it wasn't pretty) I did not know they weren't showing when not quoting someone specifically. Yeah, that's the kind of bugs I was hoping you guys would catch for me.
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That should take care of the quote problem. I know I still have an issue with the tabs in profile pages. I'm thinking I may drop the rounded CSS corners in profiles altogether. Seems no one knows where the heck these things are controlled.
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