1)When Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys is targeted by the effect of an opponent's Soul Exchange, would the Phoenix be regared as having been 'destroyed' by a card effect (thus triggering its revival effect on your next Standby Phase), or would it be regarded as having been sent to the Graveyard by being tributed (thus not triggering the revival aspect)?
2) Given the following hypothetical situation:
Your opponent has just flipped a Cyber Jar on their turn, forcing you to pick up the remaining cards from your deck, your opponent has also decked out via Cyber Jar's effect. You activate Dust Tornado to destroy a set s/t card on the opponent's side of the field, and use the secondary effect to set Soul Reversal by Tornado's effect.
On your draw phase of your turn, can you chain Soul Reversal to place a flip effect monster to the top of your deck to prevent yourself from decking out, thus saving the duel in your favour?
2) Given the following hypothetical situation:
Your opponent has just flipped a Cyber Jar on their turn, forcing you to pick up the remaining cards from your deck, your opponent has also decked out via Cyber Jar's effect. You activate Dust Tornado to destroy a set s/t card on the opponent's side of the field, and use the secondary effect to set Soul Reversal by Tornado's effect.
On your draw phase of your turn, can you chain Soul Reversal to place a flip effect monster to the top of your deck to prevent yourself from decking out, thus saving the duel in your favour?