Ultralord said:
Player A attacks with any monster
Player B activates Sakuretsu Armor
My question is: Is the monster destroyed before or after it attacks and damage is calculated?
remenber the steps of the damage step
Battle Step)
1. The Target Monster is Attacked:
The attacking player selects one of their own monsters for the attack and designates the opponent's monster as a target. Both players can play Quick-Play Spell or Trap Cards.
(Damage Step)
2. Determine Attack Results:
If the target monster is in face-up Attack Position, compare the ATK points of both monsters. If the target monster is in face-down Defense Position, the card is flipped face-up. Compare the attacking monster's ATK points with the target monster's DEF points. Quick-Play Spell or Trap Cards that modify the ATK and/or DEF of a monster may be played here.
3. Calculate Damage:
Calculate and apply damage from the battle. IN THIS POINT, A MONSTER IS CONSIDERED DESTROYED
4. Apply the Effects of Effect Monsters:
If the target monster has a Flip Effect, it is applied here. Review the instructions on the flipped card and apply it. Do not apply effects to monsters that are already destroyed. If there are monsters with effects other than Flip Effects, these should be applied here as well.
5. Send to the Graveyard:
Monsters destroyed in battle are sent to the Graveyard now. If a monster has an effect stating "When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard..." the effect is applied during this step.
6. Determine Whether to Attack again
if other monsters can attack, choose to return to the Battle Step or proceed to the End Step.
as one may see, since the monster is destroyed in step 1 of the damage step
since damage from batlle is appplied in damage step 3
the conclusion is no damage will be received since the monster was already destroyed in the previous step