Sand Moth

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Deck Mechanic
I would like to thank Roy St. Clair for opening my eyes to this card. Also my friend Sam who has been running them in his Rock deck and I never thought anything of them.

Other than that, this thread is pointless. So please! Thoughts on this card :)

Sand Moth

ATK: 1000
DEF: 2000
Type: Rock/Effect
Attribute: EARTH
Set Name: Shadow of Infinity
Card Num: SOI-EN032
Rarity: Common

When this face-down Defense Position card is destroyed and send to the Graveyard, except as a result of battle, switch the original ATK and DEF of this card, and Special Summon it to your side of the field.
Works wonders if you expect the sides coming, I ve caught a few predictable netdeckers on YVD with this card, wouldn't keep it in for game 3, people wise up :)
Other than that, this thread is pointless. So please! Thoughts on this card
No purpose to this post. I just wanted to say that when I read this was the first time I laughed today. ;)

I'm just curious, though, as to why the cool guy didn't see his own double post. :headbang_
I do agree that before the April Ban, Sand Moth really goes well in todays format.

People who runs one too many flip monsters (i.e. Flip-flop control) needs protections fro MSlv2. And Sand Moth is literally an anti-MSlv2 no question about it. It'll make foe's be more careful when throwing out their MSlv2 cause they'll be guessing if it's a Merchant or Sand Moth.

Even Dark World Decks with Dark World Lightning doesn't work against this card. (Unless they discarded a Goldd to special summon a 2300ATK monster to go against Sand Moth)

That and people acutally nuked this card themselves with stuff like Cyber Jar and Zaborg. Even cards like Dark Hole or Torrential is no biggie with Sand Moth (Kinda like Twin-Headed Behemoth, actually it's better cause Twin-Head comes back 1000ATK monster while Sand Moth comes back 2000ATK monster) And if the foe attacks it regularly, it's a 2000DEF, meaning 99% of non-tribute monster cannot kill this card, EVER. (It have to be a ATK monster that's higher then 2000... and for non-tribute monster with that powers are like Goblins and Chainsaw Insect or something along those likes)

But now with the ban-list, Dark Hole is banned. And that's not even the major prob. The biggest con against Sand Moth is 2x NoC. NoC is probably the only spell card can does work against Sand Moth (Cause it removes from play)

I'm expecting some more Sand Moth, but with key cards of flip-flop/Pot Control being limited. (like Pot of Avarice) We'll see a bit less of Sand Moth. But for now, I am gunna either main deck this card or side deck it.

I still haven't designed my main deck for the post April one.
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