Sasuke Samurai


New Member
Hey, was just wondering what every one thought of the Sasuke Samurai monsters? I was looking at them and thought they had quite powerful effects for monsters so small! I thought it would be fun to make a deck around them, play on their strengths or use them to boost bigger cards. Any suggestions?
Sasuke Samurai #1, #2 and #4 could possibly all work together. Use #2 to prevent your opponent from stopping #1 and #4 from attacking.

The only one that needs a deck of its own is Sasuke Samurai #3. Instead of taking advantage away from your opponent, it gives them advantage. Only fits in decks that focus on the likes of Greed really.
#3 could also be used in conjunction with Needle Worm, or Morphing Jar .. along with Card Destruction ... or anyother that makes you discard your hand. ....
regarding Saske #3

althougt it may seem pretty stupid to give cards to yourr opponent, if you use Shien's Spy or creture swap and also magic box to give your saskue 3 to your opponent then u can attack him with your useless sasuke samurai 2 or something else :D also to sme it may seem not worthy of packing into a deck but A forces can really boost your saske warrior, remember a good defense is always a good offense.