Screw the Rules, I have Custom Cards!!

Digital Jedi

Staff member


My wife and I were thinking about the Spell Card up there, and we thought, what a great card that would actually be. I'm already loosing, and my opponent has just activated the card that's going to kill me anyway:

"You activate Last Turn? Fine, I'll chain <flips card> 'Dun Dun Duuuuuuun!' "

I loose 1000 points, but it's worth it just to legally be a jerk. :D
I like that you made the executive producer's ATK and DEF the money symbol. Very clever and truly undefeatable.
Those are great DJ! I would say though that the Hamster needs to change slightly. I think it needs to be chained to the setting of one of your spell/trap cards. Then on the next turn, if that card properly negates the activation of a spell/trap/or effect, then you get to say Dun Dun DUNNNNN! Again and take 1000 from your opponent.

Isn't there a Leroy Jenkins card for WoW?