Silent/Dark Magician Deck


New Member
Can any one help me out with a deck with Silent Magician and Dark Magician??? and please don't list card that is to hard to find :p

Hope someone can help me out!!!
It would be difficult/impossible to combine those two strategies. I really have no input, beyond that you should include 3 Reloads, as bad hands WILL be an issue.
yeh... but i think i whann use it good to use more then 1 LV type in the deck as Silent + Ultimate Insect (this is only an exampel)
ChaosNecro said:
Mm... Level Up!, Bistro Butcher (to make your opponent drawing), Card Destruction, Diffusion Wave-Motion, Magician's Circle, Shining Angel... Will come back soon... this is the first set of suggestions
I've been following you, chaos :). Personally, I would never even attempt to level up SMLV4 to SMLV8 the normal way, Level Up! is the only way to go. Unless, of cousre, you Shien's Spy it to your opponent, draw like mad, and then take it back...
It isn't the best thing, but it is an idea (like someone on this forum, who mixed up Silent Magician with Silent Swordsman)