somehting with needle burrower and machines


New Member
yesterday i created a totaly insane deck, wich is a mix of all kinds of themes. so now is time to create something more effective.

i've been thinking on a deck concentrated to burn your opponent down with battle and effect damage. and by the idea, there come problems. needle burrover is a level 5 monster. ill would have to special or tribute summon it as quickly as possible and it isnt quite searchable. also theres a problem what to tribute. ive been thinking on using magnet circle LV2 and ancient gears. the second thing is (are) burrovers low stats. 1700/1700 just isnt enough to kill some big monsters. therefor i considered limiter removal and heavy mech support platform. im also thinking about barrel dragon and perfect machine king. any sugestions?
If you want a really odd strategy to use with Needle Burrower use something like Creature Swap or Magical Box to put a Koitsu on your opponent's side of the field and slam it with Needle Burrower for 6500 LP.

As for getting Burrower out on the field I have no clue.
maybe brain control. koitsu is too hard to get on the field and cs it. i was thinking of smashing lv4 monsters for 2000 damage each. if the opponent gets something bigger on the field even better.