Something new...well sort of =/


New Member
Cyber Dragon x 3
Elemental Hero Stratus
D. D. Assailant x 2
D. D. Warrior Lady
Elemental Hero Wildheart x 2
Giant Rat x 3
Green Gadget x 2
Exiled Force x 2
Red Gadget x 2
Yellow Gadget x 2
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Injection Fairy Lily x 2

SPELLS: (16)
Book of Moon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Creature Swap x 2
Heavy Storm
Nobleman of Crossout
Pot of Avarice
Reinforcement of the Army x 2
Smashing Ground x 3
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal

TRAPS: (12)
Dust Tornado x 2
Mirror Force
Ring of Destruction
Sakuretsu Armor x 3
Torrential Tribute
Widespread Ruin x 3
Call of the Haunted

I'm thinking i need to lose some cards lawl...but i would like to keep stratus if possible please :)
-2 x Dust Tornado

Gadgets are made for Trap depletion and you seem to be able to handle having one Cyber Dragon Snatched.

-1 x Smashing Ground
-1 x Sakuretsu Armour
-1 x Widespread Ruin

Without Snipe Hunter, these tend to clog your hand needlessly.
Go Go Self-Replication Gadget Ratbox O_O

Well, Stratos and 2 Wildhearts make it into a lot of decks these days, not that there's anything wrong with that.
You might want to try to cut it down to 45 total cards... Lessee...

Lose one Exiled I can see and maybe one Lily, since you're running the rats, you can get them kinda when you want, that's 21 monsters, and then, lose one Widespread, one Saku, and I'd say both Dust Tornadoes as they're probably not going to really hurt you. That should take you to 24 S/T total and about 45 cards, which seems to be average for decks that contain 3 of each Gadgets anyway, but you can probably pull it off fine.