Soul Control

Trap engine bothers me, double decrees, umm I don't recommend sitting the fence with decree, either run 0/1/3 and fix your traps accordingly. I prefer DD Assailants over your GKs or Newdoria, I dunno how you would play the tomato in a tight bind and add an mjar and an Enemy Controller for a smashing. Oh and try your luck with Blowback Dragon, I had funs with it when I played SC.
Judicator said:
Trap engine bothers me, double decrees, umm I don't recommend sitting the fence with decree, either run 0/1/3 and fix your traps accordingly. I prefer DD Assailants over your GKs or Newdoria, I dunno how you would play the tomato in a tight bind and add an mjar and an Enemy Controller for a smashing. Oh and try your luck with Blowback Dragon, I had funs with it when I played SC.

Don't think you read anything after the deck. I talked about Assailants and Enemy Controller isn't good in this deck. Face the facts people. 3rd Smashing Ground > Enemy Controller. Especially in this deck. I don't want to Sac. any monsters except yours. Reread this deck list, you didn't quite grasp it and I also asked for people not to say "try" something but to "change" something. I do see the problem with 2 Royal Decrees though, I'm going to take one out for a third Smashing Ground.

Mystic Tomato is very useable in this deck, trust me. ;)

And about Morphing Jar, I've thought about it...I just don't trust that card yet.
Complex_Mind said:
Don't think you read anything after the deck. I talked about Assailants and Enemy Controller isn't good in this deck. Face the facts people. 3rd Smashing Ground > Enemy Controller. Especially in this deck. I don't want to Sac. any monsters except yours. Reread this deck list, you didn't quite grasp it and I also asked for people not to say "try" something but to "change" something. I do see the problem with 2 Royal Decrees though, I'm going to take one out for a third Smashing Ground.

Mystic Tomato is very useable in this deck, trust me. ;)

And about Morphing Jar, I've thought about it...I just don't trust that card yet.

My fault, a little late/eary when I skimmed through your post. I was thinking controller since if the opponent lets you keep your goats, you might be hindered a bit, plus a little reaper removal never hurts :p Regardless if you have Assailants or not, they just work better than Newdoria imo. Smashing vs Controller can be argued either way, I just think you need a little more protection if your Monarchs get blocked.
Judicator said:
My fault, a little late/eary when I skimmed through your post. I was thinking controller since if the opponent lets you keep your goats, you might be hindered a bit, plus a little reaper removal never hurts :p Regardless if you have Assailants or not, they just work better than Newdoria imo. Smashing vs Controller can be argued either way, I just think you need a little more protection if your Monarchs get blocked.

Enemy Controller is overrated. And I can see where D. D. Assailants would help me out but I can't get them at the moment and I'm not going to try to get them at the moment. Newdoria's work just fine. I'm working on version two with backup plans so yeah. ;) Stay tuned.
Complex_Mind said:
Enemy Controller is overrated. And I can see where D. D. Assailants would help me out but I can't get them at the moment and I'm not going to try to get them at the moment. Newdoria's work just fine. I'm working on version two with backup plans so yeah. ;) Stay tuned.

Controller isnt overrated, only scrubs play them in sets of 2+, one is just versatile and gets the job done.
Replace one Brain Control with Mind Control, you can't tribute, but you can flip summon it, so you can get the flip effect that they were hoping for. At the very least, you know what was set, and get to clear their field for a direct attack.
Obviously you don't know what deck I run if you suggested Mind Control. Brain Control's take their monsters and then I tribute them. That's a big thing in my deck. I also know that my traps didn't make sense. I took out Dust Tornado for a third Smashing Ground. I don't need to destroy set spell or traps when running 2 Mobius the Frost Monarch. And the Blowback Dragon thing. Stop suggesting it. I don't want "fun to use but not good" cards in my deck. ;) But yeah. More suggestions are needed. I need to focus on Monsters a bit more Spell and Traps don't need suggestions because I know what the problems are. ;)
pssvr said:
Dude, don't rag on Mind Control or Blowback Dragon. Try them sometime, you'll be surprised what they can do. Although one thing's for sure, Mind Control is for aggro, not soul control. But try blowback. You'll be surprised.


I'm going to rag on both of them. If I ran OTK, I'd run Mind Control. But I don't. I wouldn't run it in Aggro either. Blowback Dragon is a card that depends on luck. This deck already requires enough luck. I have to draw what I need or I'll be doomed. My Mobius the Frost Monarchs and Thestalos the Firestorm Monarchs work fine on control. Their effects are usually definite and I'm not going to "try my luck" with Blowback Dragon. I need some new suggestions.
You may not like it though cause it's not netdecking.
Exactly. Just because it's unusual doesn't make it bad. Here's an interesting fact many people don't know: We haven't completely figured this game out yet. That's right. There are still things no one's thought of before. And new ideas can be good. Not every good idea has already been had.

Lets actually get back to the deck fixing and not discussing whether hes netdecking or not or w/e...

Try Blowback for a few games, see if you like it or not, and soul control is not luck based (play your thestalos accordingly), there is a time when soul control tends to be behind in hand (usually after Soul Exchange or setting up for the Soul Exchange)...meaning if the opponent holds on to their hand or gets an early Confiscation, you could be very screwed... So I suggest Blowback Dragon for versatility, but its your choice to play it or not. Two other cards I recommend you trying (especially since you are running 2 GKS and reaps) are phoenix and DMoC.

As for my comments, I dont see really anything else that might need to be worked over unless I actually play you myself so my time in this thread ends (more or less).
Lemme explain the method to my deck. It is netdecked. Which is why it needs changes. As many of you have seen, I ran a Light deck for a very long time. I ran a light deck for about 8 months. I got sick of it and I've been limited from certain cards for a long time. My deck is netdecked and I don't like that which is why I am constantly changing it. Blowback Dragon IS versatile and I'm not not using him because it's different from the netdeck I'm not using him because he is not within my style of play. What I'm trying to change in my deck is tribute-less power without having to get D. D. Assailants.

It's very hard to add power to a deck like this because then my monsters would have to overrun other monsters that support the main plan of the deck. Gravekeeper's Spy's keep the field advantage for me and in the current format people don't netdeck many monsters that can take down a 2000 defense. Ex (Don Zaloog, D. D. Assailant, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Mystic Tomato, Newdoria, Sangan, weak monsters with good effects) I'm not saying they stay out forever, they don't but in this current format, high defense is good at the right time. I don't know how many decks I saw at my recent regionals running high defenses and Robbin' Goblin. Swarm of Luctoses and Stealth Bird is a good idea but in my personal experience I would rather run Dream Clowns. 2 Royal Decree's keep me almost immune from traps + 2 Mobius the Frost Monarch's.

I do however want to fit a Morphing Jar in. It'll save me from bad hands/rutts.