Spell Economics


New Member
While Spell Economics is on the field is the cost of these cards negated?
1. My body as a Shield
2. Toon World
3. Brain Control
4. Autonomous Action Unit
5. Dimension Fusion
6. Confiscation
7. Premature Burial

Yes to all of them but My Body as a Shield.

(Can't 100% remember the exact ruling on this..)
The reason why you do pay for My Body as a Shield is because the card doesn't force you to pay 1500 life points as an out right cost upon activating it.

Although, I think it's mentioning the condition in which the card has to meet in order to be activated. Such as your opponent activating Lightning Vortex or Torrential Tribute.

But not cards like Mirror Force or Sakuretsu Armor since it would be activated in the Damage Step where it can't be activated.

However, I faintly remember that this card was debated about intensely about this very subject.

Just out of my personal opinion, I would say yes to all your cards but My Body as a Shield because it doesn't have the regular text of a Cost Effect. (However I feel I'm very wrong on this aspect.)
Oh, but semantics are fun. its the tiny details that have been known to throw the mechanics into a tizzy. We just had to be sure. Im still recovering from the headache of that thread.
The fact is that My Body as a Shield still needs a Card Errata to suit the rest of the Cost Effects, however it's activation requirement prohibits that from happening.

Just know it's a Cost Effect and you'll be fine.

(Even though I wasn't sure if it was a Cost Effect...)
Raijinili said:
It Is Not A Cost Effect!

Its Cost Is Paid At Activation And It Gets Off Free By Spell Economics!
Ok, you lost me here Raijinili. If your post was referenced to mine and my belief that My Body as a Shield is a Cost Effect then....that's my confusion.

You say that it's not a cost effect and then say it's cost is paid at activation and gets off free by Spell Economics. Now, if it isn't a Cost Effect then you pay 1500 life points.

I've heard two detailed explainations of the type of effect this card has. Granted it has that kind of text that is kinda confusing in whether it's a Cost Effect or not.

So from going off what you posted, you completely said two things in my mind. Please, clear this up with a better explaination.

(However, I get confused these kinds of things a lot.)